Я слаб в физике, но никто, кроме меня, на не приходит. Вторая половина вопросов предельно проста, ответы подходят. Однако с другой половиной все хуже. В 1 вопросе будто бы пропущено and после второго троеточия; на третьем пропуске определенно должен стоять глагол, но в списке глаголы отсутствуют. На мой взгляд, подошел бы глагол interact - взаимодействовать. В списке твоем списке слов указано слово contract, которое здесь ни к селу ни к городу, если не брать значение сжиматься, которое здесь вставлять некуда. Похоже на опечатку, поэтому я поставил contact, которому нашлось применение во 2 вопросе. В 3 вопросе size можно заменить на shape heat, тут подключается мое незнание. Далее, в 4 отсутствует троеточие после and. Осмелюсь предположить, что там должен быть очередной пропуск (троеточие), потому что хорошо вписывается light. Далее, как я уже указал, все логично просто.
Physics deals with energy and matter how they (interact?)When objects move from place to place and when they are completely free of contact(*) with other objects, they move in straight lines at a steady speed.When forces act on objects they produce changes in such things as position, size (*), and chemical nature.Energy forms include electricity, and light(*).Newton's second law, relating force to acceleration, and his third law, relating action and reaction form the basis of mechanics.Maxwell's equations form the basis of magnetism, and optics.All these subdivisions constitute classical physics.Quantum mechanics is the climax of Plank's quantum theory and the theory of relativity of Einstein.Atomic physics made Mendeleyev's Periodic Table of Elements possible.Nuclear physics includes the discovery of the neutron and other fundamental particles.ps: Я надеюсь, кто-нибудь исправит мои ошибки. Так или иначе, проверь текст вопроса на опечатки. Если найдутся, я (или знаток физики, кто знает) попробую что-нибудь исправить.
2 Why did she live with her aunt and uncle?
She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.
3 How old was Jane in 1825?
Jane was ten years old in 1825.
4 What were her cousins called? / What were her cousins' names?
Her cousins were called John and Eliza Reed.
5 Did Mrs. Reed like Jane?
No, Mrs. Reed did not like Jane.
6 Where did Mrs. Reed send Jane?
Mrs. Reed sent Jane to Lowood School.
7 Who was the owner of Lowood School?
Mr. Brocklehurst was the owner of Lowood School.
8 Was Lowood School a healthy place?
No, Lowood School wasn't a healthy place.
9 How long did Jane stay at the school?
Jane stayed at the school for eight years.
10 When did Jane become a governess?
Jane became a governess in 1833.
2 was sitting
3 were listening
4 weren't talking
5 was sleeping
6 wasn't raining