Exchange programs. Which ones do we know?
Erasmus program- With this program you can take education in Europe, same will see and feel culture of those countries. Nice way isn't it.
When you're going to another country, to another continet, you're meeting new people with new thoughts and ideas. It is good chance to learn something new about our life. And this is a good reason to make new friends.
Maybe relationship, anyway, may I say changes programs is a such of bad or useless thing? of course not. It's just perfect way to learn something new.
And I advise you not to miss the chance and, if possible, use this program.
1. Her father isn't watching TV at the moment. He is sleeping because he is tired. Present Continuous.
2. Where does your uncle work? - He works at school. Present
3. Is your friend doing his homework now? pr.con.
4. When do you usually come home from school? - l come at four о'clock. pr.sim
5. My sister isn't playing the piano now(pr.cont). She plays the piano in the evening. (pr.sim)
6. Are you reading a magazine and think about your holiday at the moment? pr.con
7. I am sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's now. pr.con
8. When do you listen to the news on the radio? pr.s.
9. Are you playing chess now? pr.con
10. My father doesn't work at the shop. pr.s.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds are moving slowly, the sun is appearing from
behind the clouds, it is getting warmer. pr.c.
12. I don't drink coffee in the evening. I drink coffee in the morning. pr.s.
13. What is your friend doing now?- She is washing the dishes. pr.c.
14. Does your grandfather work at this factory? pr.s
3) in (время суток - не ночь)
4) at (для городов будет in, а для различных станций - at)
5) at (точное время)
6) at (точное время)
7) in (время суток - не ночь)
8) on (день недели)
9) in (время суток - не ночь)
10) at (это полночь, значит, ночь)
11) on (дата)
on - даты, дни недели - on the 5-th of May (пятого мая) - on Monday (в понедельник)
in - месяцы, сезоны - in August (в августе) - in winter (зимой)- время суток (кроме ночи) - in the morning (утром)- года - in 2006 (в 2006)- через некоторый промежуток времени ("Через какое время?") - in an hour (через час)
at - со словом night (ночь) - at night (ночью)- со словом weekend (конец недели, выходные) - at the weekend (в выходные)- точное время (в значении "Когда?") - at half past nine (в полдесятого)
during - в течение, на протяжении какого-то периода времени - during the night (в течение ночи)
since - с какого-то момента в вплоть до настоящего момента - since 1980 (с 1980 года)
for, over - в течение какого-то промежутка времени вплоть до настоящего момента - We've had a lot of problems for / over the last few months. (За последние несколько месяцев у нас было много проблем.)- в течение какого-то промежутка времени в будущем (for в этом значении не используется) - We expect a rise in sales over the next few months. (В течение следующих нескольких месяцев мы ожидаем увеличения продаж.)
before - ранее какого-то момента времени - before 2004 (до 2004 года)
to - указание минут, когда говорится время - ten to six (без десяти (минут) шесть)
past, after (AmE) - после, позже (при указании часового времени) - ten past / after six (десять минут седьмого)
to, till, until - при обозначении начала и конца периода времени времени, в сочетании с from - from Monday to / till / until Friday (с понедельника по пятницу)
till, until - указывает на конец периода времени - He is on holiday till / until Friday. (Он в отпуске до пятницы.)
by - не позднее, чем - I will be back by six o'clock. (Я вернусь до шести часов.)- до какого-то момента времени - By 11 o'clock I had read five pages. (К одиннадцати часам я прочитал пять страниц.)