Just think about the progress in different areas. Medicine and electronic technology, space discoveries, for example. One day, I'm sure there will be cures for AIDS and cancer. Scientists and computers are going to control everything.
1. a) 1. The farm workers have completed (активный залог, present perfect) the automatic shearing of the sheep. - Рабочие на ферме довели до совершенства автоматическую стрижку овец 2. Scientists are trying (активный залог, present continuous) to improve agricultural machinery. - Учёные пытаются усовершенствовать сельскохозяйственные машины б) 1. Harvesting was mechanized (пассивный залог, past simple) all round.- Cбор урожая был повсюду механизирован 2. Petrol lubrication is used (пассивный залог, present simple) in small two-stroke engines.- Смазка бензином используется в маленьких двух-тактных двигателях (Всё, дальше не сделаю, слишком большое задание)
1 He earns a lot of money. 2 Are you a taxi driver? No, I'm not.I am a lawyer. 3 I do not pay for my pens. 4 Where are you? I'm alone without my brother at home. 5 What are you eating now? I'm eating a piece of cake. 6 I do not want to go to the cinema with you! 7 Did you spend your time well yesterday?Yes,I did.The party was merry(joyful,cool). 8 She rides a bike on Mondays. 9 In the evening we surfed the Internet and found an interesting film. 10 My new flat is nice and I have bought some flowers in it.