На картинке трудно рассмотреть, чем занимается женщина, но я написал про вязание.
Hello, I want to tell you adout the first picture. Let's take a closer look at the image. This photo shows a large family. Grandmother and grandfather talking and drinking tea. Mom and dad sit in chairs next to the fireplace. Dad reads the newspaper, and mother is engaged in needlework. Children settled on the carpet. Girl reading a book, and the boy looks at the pictures. This family looks very cheerful and happy. Thank you for your attention. Until next time!
На картинке трудно рассмотреть, чем занимается женщина, но я написал про вязание.
Hello, I want to tell you adout the first picture. Let's take a closer look at the image. This photo shows a large family. Grandmother and grandfather talking and drinking tea. Mom and dad sit in chairs next to the fireplace. Dad reads the newspaper, and mother is engaged in needlework. Children settled on the carpet. Girl reading a book, and the boy looks at the pictures. This family looks very cheerful and happy. Thank you for your attention. Until next time!
2. They are making a success in their work.
3. I think that every man must earn money to supply his family.
4. Last summer we made friends with boys and girls from Germany.
5. My granny doesn't like children to make noise.
6. You have to take a decision as soon as you can.
7. I'm afraid I've made a mistake in the dictation.
8. They decided to make a favor for him as he was in difficult situation.
9. His sister is learning cooking as her husband is fond of tasty food.
10. All children don't like to do household works.
11. It's useful for health to go in for sports.
12. Every Sunday many families do shopping for a week.