One day I was with my brother and sister went camping. Faced a hard road, but we are stocked with all the necessities: flashlights, pocket knives, first aid kit and sleeping bags. My brother insisted that it would take a gun. Who knows what the animals can live in the woods?
We walked for a long time. Finally sat down near the lake. Its clear water reflecting the sun's rays ... beauty!
My brother made a fire. So we sat around him, singing songs, telling stories of life. My sister is always a different head and share horror stories. I'll be honest - it is coming up with a master.
Brother opened a jar of jam, cooked us kotroye grandmother. First, of course attacked my sister - a real sweet tooth! Jam and it was really tasty. Raspberry - as we all love. Bite we took out their sleeping bags and got ready for the night. Spend the night in nature's great! The fresh air, the sky is dotted with thousands of stars ... that's just the mosquitoes rest do not give!
In the morning we went home. On the way, scored a basket of mushrooms and berries. My grandmother was very happy to us. I do not know how my brother and sister, but I loved the hike!
Lewis Carrol (27.01.1832 - 14.01.1898) - English writer.
Lewis Carrol (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was a remarkable English writer, mathematician, philosopher and a deacon. One of his lifetime passions included photography. His most famous works is the fairy-tale “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. The writer was born on January 27th, 1832, in Daresbury, Cheshire. His father was a parish priest. Charles had seven sisters and three brothers. From the very childhood he showed himself as a clever and quick-witted boy. When he was twelve, he was sent to a private school near Richmond. In 1845 he had to move to another school, which he didn’t like much.
In 1851 Charles moved to Oxford and entered one of the best and aristocratic colleges there - Christ Church. After graduation he read lections on Mathematics at the same college for 26 years. It was his main income. He also became a deacon here and had the right to preach without work in the parish. His literature career began while he was still in college. He wrote short stories and poems, which he sent to various magazines. At that time he took the pseudonym “Lewis Carrol” on the advice of one editor. His works gradually gained popularity. By 1854, all serious English publishing houses were accepting them. While working at college, he met the new dean Henry Lidell and his family. The dean had three daughters: Alice, Edith and Lorina.
Lewis Carrol liked visiting this family and spending time with them. Many biographers believe that his famous fairy-tale “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” was written about Alice Lidell. In 1867 the writer visited Russia. It was a period of theological contact and exchange among Anglican and Orthodox churches. During this trip, Lewis visited Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and many other European cities. It was his first and only trip abroad. Description of this trip could be found in his personal diary which was published after his death. Apart from literature, Lewis Carrol was busy with various mathematical work and scientific inventions. These works were published under his real name. He died in January, 1898, in Guildford, at his sister’s home.