Dear Ben, Thank you for your letter. It is so great to hear from you again. Sorry I haven't written for so long.In your letter you ask for advice. In my opinion you should try to take exams next year again. You should not give up, you should fight for your better future.
I also have a dream. I would like to become a journalist, because this job is very interesting and exciting. To my mind journalism is very important today. Journalists help people to learn news, give them advice and other interesting information.This profession has a lot of advantages. One of them is travelling. Journalists travel a lot. They can see the world, learn how other people in different countries or cities live, learn their values, traditions, etc.
Well, I'd better go now to do my homework. By the way, where and with whom are you going to go hiking? Hope to hear from you soon. Keep in touch. Best wishes, Marina
Перевести на русский? Неужели это сложно? Особенно если тема subjunctive mood :) Что ж, удачи... Ты бы не имел столько проблем с машиной, если ьы не давал пользоваться еею так часто. Если бы он согласился выступать на конференции, мы бы были очень рады. Это было бы очень удобно для меня, если бы мы могли отложить встречу до следующего четверга. На его месте, я бы подумал дважды перед тем, как дать окончательный (точный) ответ. Дорога такая скользкая (покрыта льдом), я был бы очень осторожен на дороге (на колёсах? wheel - колесо) на твоём месте. Я не буду удивлён, если они не согласились с нами. Я не буду удивлён, если он опять опоздает.
Thank you for your letter. It is so great to hear from you again. Sorry I haven't written for so long.In your letter you ask for advice. In my opinion you should try to take exams next year again. You should not give up, you should fight for your better future.
I also have a dream. I would like to become a journalist, because this job is very interesting and exciting. To my mind journalism is very important today. Journalists help people to learn news, give them advice and other interesting information.This profession has a lot of advantages. One of them is travelling. Journalists travel a lot. They can see the world, learn how other people in different countries or cities live, learn their values, traditions, etc.
Well, I'd better go now to do my homework. By the way, where and with whom are you going to go hiking? Hope to hear from you soon. Keep in touch.
Best wishes,