My last holiday was amazing!
I celebrated it with my family at home.
We were about 10 people, all my relatives!
We gave each other gifts for the new year! Different useful things, we really liked. We had a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed spending time with my family, they are very nice
(Мой последний праздник был потрясающим!
Я праздновал его с семьей, дома.
Нас было около 10 человек, все мои родственники!
Мы дарили друг другу подарки на новый год! Разные полезные вещи, нам очень понравилось. Нам было очень весело.
Мне очень понравилось проводить время с семьей, они очень хорошие )
1.Каким был ваш последний праздник?
2.Где ты его проводил?
3.Сколько людей было? Кто, где они?
4.Кто-нибудь получал подарки? Что за подарок?
5.Что вам понравилось больше всего?
ответ:Вот правильно?
1. I can't imagine reading like that. I'd go crazy.
2. I think if things had changed significantly in that time, you would have told me.
3. He decided to see if he could shorten my translation.
4. I can't understand why I wouldn't choose this profession.
5. "I suggest you come to me," he said.
6. They suggested I go with them.
7. "Where should we go," she thought.
8. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
9. If only we had visited her yesterday.
10. My teacher's stupid.
11. If I had this book, it would have been yours long ago.
12. If only he were here now!
13. I completely forgot that we have to translate the text, otherwise I wouldn't have forgotten it at home.
14. We should find a dictionary.
15. I wish you would leave me alone.