Complete with: degree course, marks, tests, qualification, scholarship, certificate, curriculum, career, term, course.
1 She won a scholarship to study Medicine at university.
2 Tracy is doing a short course. in Journalism for two months.
3 Maths and English are an essential part of the school ..curriculum
4 She was accepted into a course... .
5 Vince would like to pursue a career in Accounting.
6 The spring ..term.. ends in May.
7 Applicants for the job should have a teaching qualification in marketing.
8 John's ..marks... have improved this term.
9 After a two-year course in Business Studies, he was awarded a national ...certificate...
10 Some schools have entry ...tests.. which are used to select students for admission.
1.hasn't changed
2.hasn't decided
3.haven't driven
4.hasn't left
5.hasn't complained
6.haven't arrested
7.haven't eaten
8.hasn't spoken
1.Mum hasn't done the washing yet. - 6.
2.Max has bought new video games.- 1
3.They have found a table for two. - 3
4.Dad has never done any DIA jobs. - 8
5.Mum hasn't done the shopping yet. - 5
6.Alex has prepared a good chocolate cake. - 9
7.Grandad has finished the lawn mowing. - 4
8.They have already swam with dolphins. - 7
9.She has gone to walk her dog out. - 2
1.Yes, I have
2.No, she hasn't
3.Yes,he has
4.Yes,they have
5.No, he hasn't
6.No, he hasn't
7.Yes, they have
8.No, he hasn't
Come, was playing, were dancing