1. "Are you here for business or for pleasure?" Are you here for business or for pleasure? Because we need you to stay on track. 2. "I am here on business, not for pleasure." Sorry, Sir, this was an accident. I am here for business, not for pleasure, of course. 3. "My mother office receives a lot of business letters every day." My mother's office receives a lot of business letters every day, because she works at a big company. 4. "Please help her to find her book." Please help her to find her book. She needs it for her lesson in five minutes. 5. "At last, they found their way in the forest." At last, they found their way in the forest. By that time, they had grown weak and weary.
Утром я просыпаюсь, привожу в порядок свою комнату, завтракаю. Потом я одеваюсь. Я проверяю, все ли я взял с собой в школу, и выхожу из дома. Как только я прихожу со школы я обедаю. Потом переодеваюсь, после небольшого отдыха сажусь делать уроки. Вот так проходят мои школьные дни.
My everyday life.
In the morning I wake up, put my room in order, eat breakfast. Then I put my clothes on. I check to see if I took everything to school with me and leave the house. As soon as I come from school, I have dinner. Then I change clothes, after a short rest I sit down to do my homework. That's how my school days go.