St. George - the patron of England, is known, first of all, as the winner of the dragon. According to legend, in the vicinity of a pagan city, either in Libya or in Lebanon, a terrible monster has settled - a dragon killing people and livestock for fun. Every day a young man or a girl was sacrificed to him. Once the turn came to the daughter of the ruler of the city. At that time St. George passed by the city, who learned about the monster and decided not to allow the death of the girl. According to some versions, the terrible dragon was killed by prayer and fell at the feet of the Holy One. The defeated monster recognized the supremacy of good forces, and the girl took his obedient to the city on a leash. Townspeople, admired by the deeds of the Holy, took baptisms
St. George - the patron of England, is known, first of all, as the winner of the dragon. According to legend, in the vicinity of a pagan city, either in Libya or in Lebanon, a terrible monster has settled - a dragon killing people and livestock for fun. Every day a young man or a girl was sacrificed to him. Once the turn came to the daughter of the ruler of the city. At that time St. George passed by the city, who learned about the monster and decided not to allow the death of the girl. According to some versions, the terrible dragon was killed by prayer and fell at the feet of the Holy One. The defeated monster recognized the supremacy of good forces, and the girl took his obedient to the city on a leash. Townspeople, admired by the deeds of the Holy, took baptisms