One of the Japanese prime ministers once said that Japan "began to consist of two countries - the capital with the neighborhood and the rest of the state." Indeed, Tokyo's role in Japan can only be compared with the role of Paris in France. This is the main political and administrative and administrative center of the country. This is the biggest bunch of the most diverse industrial productions, one of the largest in the country port complexes. This is, along with London and New York, the largest international financial center. It is the leading center of scientific research, which provides 1/2 such research in Japan, the main training center with 100 universities. 9/10 of all Japanese mass media are concentrated here. Finally, this is a city that impresses the imagination and many other figures: it has 120 thousand offices of large, medium and small companies, 300 hotels, 200 thousand restaurants and cafes, about a thousand taxi parks. All this explains the famous Japanese proverb: "Japan begins with Tokyo."
Last year my friends and I went on a trip to the lake. When we reached the shore of the lake we put up the tents and then began to eat and drink. The weather was hot, the water in the lake was crystal clean and warm so we decided to swim and relax a bit. The forest around the lake was beautiful. We enjoyed green grass, forest flowers, tall trees and watched birds during our walk in the woods. In the evening we made a campfire and sitting by the fire listened to the guitar, sang songs and told interesting and funny stories. We took a lot of nice pics during our trip. The next day we played football and volleyball, cooked our meal, swam in the lake, and in the evening we returned home full of unforgettable impressions. It was the best weekend I ever had. В году мы с друзьями отправились в поход на озеро. Добравшись до берега озера, мы поставили палатки, а потом стали есть и пить. Погода была жаркая, вода в озере кристально чистая и теплая, поэтому мы решили немного покупаться и отдохнуть. Лес вокруг озера был красивым. Мы наслаждались зеленой травой, лесными цветами, высокими деревьями и наблюдали за птицами во время нашей прогулки по лесу. Вечером мы развели костер и, сидя у костра, пели песни и рассказывали интересные и забавные истории. Мы сделали много интересных фотографий во время нашей поездки. На следующий день мы играли в футбол и волейбол, готовили еду, купались в озере, и вечером вернулись домой, полные незабываемых впечатлений.Это были лучшие выходные в моей жизни.
Hello!Today I want to tell you about my favourite type of transport.When I was younger,my parents were driving me to school by car.It was very comfortable for me,but they had to work,so I needed to start using public transport.I can not say,that it is better than car of my parents.Today,I usually go to school and other places by bus,because it is faster and cheaper than troley.However,sometimes it is too crowded in bus and I have to use a tram.Each type has their own advantages and disadvantages.As I said,I prefer to use a bus.
One of the Japanese prime ministers once said that Japan "began to consist of two countries - the capital with the neighborhood and the rest of the state." Indeed, Tokyo's role in Japan can only be compared with the role of Paris in France. This is the main political and administrative and administrative center of the country. This is the biggest bunch of the most diverse industrial productions, one of the largest in the country port complexes. This is, along with London and New York, the largest international financial center. It is the leading center of scientific research, which provides 1/2 such research in Japan, the main training center with 100 universities. 9/10 of all Japanese mass media are concentrated here. Finally, this is a city that impresses the imagination and many other figures: it has 120 thousand offices of large, medium and small companies, 300 hotels, 200 thousand restaurants and cafes, about a thousand taxi parks. All this explains the famous Japanese proverb: "Japan begins with Tokyo."