1. Составь из данных слов и запиши предложения.
1. I was writing a letter while my brother was reading a newspaper.
2. Was the teacher speaking to you?
3. He was not playing football with us yesterday.
2. Поставь the где необходимо
1. the Caucasus Mountains
2. — Europe
3. the Pacific Ocean
4. — Lake Baikal
3. В каждой группе выбери и запиши лишнее слово.
1. city (остальные слова являются прилагательными)
2. the Baikal (остальные - реки)
3. language (остальные слова - профессии)
4. goose (остальные слова во множ. ч.)
1. are going to
2. will open
3. am going to
4. will wear
5. is going to
6. We are going to wash the dishes
7. John is going to visit the museum tomorrow
8. They are going to move home soon
9. I am going to buy a new mobile phone next week
10. She is going to fly in Russia tomorrow
Going to используется с предсказаниями. Когда вы принимаете решение, используется will; использовать going to после того, как решение было принято. Иногда мы также используем текущую непрерывность для запланированных событий в ближайшем будущем. Когда мы хотим говорить о будущих фактах или вещах, которые, по нашему мнению, являются правдой о будущем, мы используем will.
Firstly, I am strongly assured that Ukraine is the most beautiful country in the world, no matter people from other countries say about the beauty of their countries. Nothing can be compared to the beauty of the Carpathian mountains or magnificence of the Dnieper. And the plains of my native land are so wide that it seems to me that I am standing in the middle of a vast ocean consisting only of the blue sky and land restricted with the horizon. Fields of wheat are unbelievably beautiful in a windy weather, - they remind me waves of the Black see I saw when I had a rest with my family in Odessa. The only difference is that these wheat waves are yellow, not blue like sea water. Hundreds of lakes and rivers with clean and fresh water crossing the map of Ukraine. They are full of fish, so it is not surprising that the fishing industry is so developed in the country. The land is extremely fertile, that`s why we have so abundant harvest of fruits and vegetables every year.
And people are so friendly and easy-going here! We all try to help each other when something bad happens. My compatriots realize the need of getting together to deal with any problem. We are always ready to extend a helping hand to our friends and colleagues when they are in need of help. Almost all citizens of the country are motivated and skilled workers trying to do their best in their occupations. And undoubtedly we will cope with all these challenges on the way because we are aware of the importance of improvements to be made to achieve better and more productive results to earn fame for our native land called Ukraine!