My preferences in music are very diverse. I listen exclusively to the music that I like. let it be at least rock, pop, metal, the main thing that I like her.
Mostly I do not listen to Russian music. not just at all, but in my playlist, most of the music is from different countries. I like to listen to Persian, Indian, Arabic music and others. You can say in one word Eastern. I usually don’t understand what the songs that I listen to say, but if I'm very interested I watch the translation.
And one of my main preferences in music is that it be sad ... I myself don’t know why, but I like to listen to sad music, especially remembering my past. I probably just like to cry
Это с переводчика)
Лондон это большой морской порт, где много разных видов лодок, которые могут перемещаться.
The Royal Family takes part in a public life and has many an official duties.
Богатая семья принимает участие в публичной жизни и у них уже есть успехи.
Mike told me a way to the nearest bank.
Майк посоветовал мне путь в ближайший банк.
Didnt you meet at the festival in Berlin.
Ты не встретишь фестивмль в Берлине.
Youll take me around and show me some of the sights of the city, wont you?
Ты можешь облететь мир вокруг и рассказать мне о достопримечательности городов?