Miss Havisham is a bitter recluse who has shut herself away after being abandoned on her wedding day. She never leaves the house and has stopped all the clocks so that she doesn't know how the time goes. She always wears her wedding clothes and left the prepared wedding feast to decompose in one of her rooms. As a result of her experience, Miss Havisham hates humanity, especially men. She adopted a young girl, Estelle, and trains her to be cold and cruel, to break men's hearts. Miss Havisham invites young Pip into the house so that Estelle can practice on him. He mistakenly believes that Miss Havisham wishes them a future together, and he also thinks that she is his mystery.a benefactor.
Although she eventually regrets what she did and her character begins to change, it is too late. In a tragic accident, Miss Havisham was horribly burned when her wedding dress caught fire, and she died shortly afterwards.
Miss Havisham is clearly suffer