1.how he had become interested in archaeology.
2.She asked him what was the best part of his job.
3.She asked him to describe his typical working day.
4.She asked him if he had taken part in many excavations.
5.She asked him what was the most exciting thing he uncovered.
6.She asked him if he gets to travel a lot.
7.She asked him where he was planning to go next.
8.She asked him if he has any advice...
Reported speech
Present Simple - Past Simple
Present Perfect - Past SImple
Present Continuous - Past Continuous
1. He warned me to stop swimming because I'd run out of air.
2. He complained that Jack was always late.
3. John asked me if I could help him move house.
4. He suggested* that we go to the museum on Friday.
5. She reminded to clean the sink.
6. He ordered us not to touch his equipment.
7. She asked where I had been the day before.
8. Tom asked his sister if she would help him with his homework.
9. I asked her if he was sleeping then.
10. He said that he had to go then.
* - после глагола "suggest" в придаточном предложении должно использоваться сослагательное наклонение (как и показано в примере), и, соответственно, согласования времен в данном случае не происходит.
2. The baby __has__ (not/fallen) asleep yet.
3. He __has__ (skateboarded) ever since he was 5 years old.
4. My parents ___have__ (not/kept) all my school books since first grade but they __have__ (framed) every single painting!
5. _Has__ he __ (finished) making the pizza yet? No, he _has not_.
6. How long _has__ Lady Gaga ___ (been) famous?
7. We _have__ never (tried) Chinese food. Have__ you?
8. _has__ your brother ever (eaten) sushi? Yes, he _has___.
9. I __have_ already (completed) my English homework.
10. My family and I have (already/visited) many Greek islands.
11. My Cousin in England has___ (not/been) to even one island yet.
12. _have__ you _ (had) dinner yet? Yes, I __have__.
13. Have_ you ever (flown) in a helicopter? No, I _have not___.
14. Psy ___has__ always (wanted) to become known all over the world.
15. Have your friends (recently/watched) The Big Bang Theory? No, they have not.
16. My dad __has__ just _ (read) a 1000 page book! Wow!
17. My brother and I have never (ridden) on the streets. We use the bike lanes.
18. Many athletes __have__ never (won) a medal, although they __have__ (trained) for years to become Olympic champions.
19. They have (not/played) beach volley yet today, but they have (ridden) their bikes.
20. We __have___ just (returned) from a trip to the nearby caves.