Sport is very important in our life. The general beliefis that a person who goes in for sports can’t be weak and ill. Physically inactivepeople get old earlier that those, who find time for sport activity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. In our country sport is being widely popularized as well. The most popular kinds of sport are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure-skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen.
Спорт очень важен в нашей жизни. Считается, что человек, который занимается спортом, не может быть слабым и больным. Люди, которые ведут малоподвижный образ жизни, стареют раньше, чем те, которые находят время для спорта. И конечно, крепкое здоровье лучше, чем хорошее лекарство.
Люди всего мира любят спорт и игры. В нашей стране, спорт тоже широко распространен. Наиболее популярные виды спорта – это футбол, волейбол, баскетбол, теннис, фигурное катание, аэробика, пинг-понг и плавание. Много людей любят бег трусцой. В школах и колледжах спорт – обязательный предмет. Многие подростки посещают спортивные секции. Некоторые из них мечтают стать профессиональными спортсменами.
Pacific ocean — the largest and most ancient of all the oceans. Its area is 178,6 million km2. It is free to hold all the continents and Islands together, so it is sometimes called the Great. The name "Quiet" associated with the name of F. Magellan, performed a world tour and passing through the Pacific ocean under favorable weather conditions. This ocean is really great: it takes up 1/3 of the surface of the planet and almost 1/2 of the World's oceans. The ocean has an oval shape, it is especially wide at the equator. The peoples inhabiting the Pacific coast and the Islands, have long been sailing on the ocean, explore its riches. Information about the ocean have been accumulated as a result of the voyages of Magellan, F., J. Cook. The beginning of a wide study was initiated in the XIX century the first Russian circumnavigation expedition of I. F. Kruzenshtern. Currently, there is a special international organization for the study of the Pacific ocean. In recent years new data on its nature, defined depth, study of currents, bottom topography, biological resources of the ocean. The southern part of the ocean from the coast of the Islands of the Tuamotus to the coast of South America is an area of calm, light winds and stable atmosphere. It is for this peace and quiet, Magellan and his companions called the Pacific ocean. But to the West of the Islands of Tuamotus, the picture changes dramatically. Calm weather is rare here, usually blow stormy winds, often developing into hurricanes. This so-called squalls South Australia, especially fierce in December. Less frequent but more intense tropical cyclones. They arrive in early fall from the Coral sea, near the Northern tip of New Zealand they move to the warm West winds. Так?