The Appalachian or Allegheny Mountains are mountain ranges that are located on the territory of North America parallel to the Atlantic Ocean.
The system, located on the territory of Canada and the United States, splits into the Northern and Southern Appalachians and occupies areas of temperate and subtropical climate. The Appalachians belong to the East Greenland Folded system, which begins on the island of Greenland and, occasionally interrupted, stretches further south to the mountains of Newfoundland.
Despite the fact that the Appalachian Mountain Range does not rise higher than 2000 meters above sea level, there is a unique flora and fauna, as well as stunning scenic views.
Doctors treat patients. If you have a headache, toothache, backache, stomach-ache or earache, if you have a sore throat, eye or finger, if you feel pain in any part of your body, if hurts you to move - you need help. First of all you have to turn to your physician. The doctor will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure. The only thing you should do is to follow his directions. Otherwise a slight ailment can develop into an incurable malady. I recollect the accident, which happened to my best friend Peter. He fell of the stairs, hit his head and knocked himself unconscious. His mother called anambulance but Peter was still unconscious when it arrived. He was rushed to hospital where they kept him for two days for blood tests. He was suffering from concussion of the brain and had to have some stitches for a large cut on the side of his head, but fortunately it was nothing more serious than that.