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Английский язык используют более 750 миллионов людей, и это спустя 4000 лет. Почти тысячу лет назад в конце 16 века его использовали около 6 миллионов людей.Английский - это основной язык бизнеса, спорта, это международный язык!
Правда многие слова заимствованны из других стран.
English is used by more than 750 million people, and that's 4,000 years later. Almost a thousand years ago at the end of the 16th century, it was used by about 6 million people.English is the main language of business, sports, it is an international language!
True, many words are borrowed from other countries.
2. We have known John for five years
3. Katya has been ill for a week.
4. They have not opened this room since last spring.
5. My brother has been in Siberia for a month.
6. This ring has belonged to me for many years.
7. We have not been to the movies since last month.
8. My mother has loved classical music since childhood.
9. This TV has been with us for ten years.
10. Elena has not visited her grandmother for three months.