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Уважаемые знатоки грамматики. проверьте , есть ли в этом тексте ошибки. my name is sabir latypov and i'll tell you about my usual working day. in our life we have weekends and holidays. of course, it’s more pleasant to speak about holidays than about workdays. but these workdays make up an essential part of life. at 6: 45 the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. actually i’m not fond of getting up early, but i’m already used to it. i do my bed and go to the bathroom. there i brush my teeth and wash one’s my face . at 7: 30 o’clock i’m ready to have breakfast. usually i have no time to cook my breakfast, so i just have a cup of tea and maybe a bowl of cereal. sometimes i can oversleep and not have time to have breakfast i leave home at 7: 40. my college is away from house and it usually takes me 30 minutes to get there. my classes begin at 8.30 a.m. and finish at about 3 p.m. at 11.05 i usually go to our canteen and buy something to eat. when my classes are finished i return home. then i cook my dinner or warm it up. after hard work at college i feel like having a rest. after dinner i usually go out with my friends or go in for sports. in addition, i play computer games and shoot video games on my youtube channel. i do not always play the same game. but usually i play minecraft or in the shooter game battle carnival. then i do my homework for the next school day. it takes me about 4 hours. if i have 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep i watch tv series or video in youtube, listen to the music, chat with some friends or help my mother to cook supper. when the supper is ready we gather in the dining room, eat and share the day news. after supper at about 11 o’clock i am taking a bath and go to bed.

Меня зовут Сабир Латыпов, и я расскажу вам о своем обычном рабочем дне. В нашей жизни у нас есть выходные и праздничные дни. Конечно, приятнее говорить о праздниках, чем о рабочих днях. Но эти трудовые будни составляют неотъемлемую часть жизни. В 6:45 будильники пробуждают меня, и мой рабочий день начинается. На самом деле я не очень рано встаю, но я уже привык. Я делаю свою кровать и иду в ванную. Там я чищу зубы и моюсь лицо. В 7:30 я готов позавтракать. Обычно у меня нет времени готовить свой завтрак, поэтому я просто выпью чашку чая и, возможно, миску с зерном. Иногда я могу проспать и не успевать позавтракать Я уезжаю домой в 7:40. Мой колледж находится вдали от дома, и мне обычно требуется 30 минут. Мои занятия начинаются в 8.30 и заканчиваются примерно в 3 часа. В 11.05 я обычно хожу в нашу столовую и покупаю что-нибудь поесть. Когда мои занятия закончены, я возвращаюсь домой. Затем я готовлю обед или разогреваю его. После тяжелой работы в колледже мне хочется отдохнуть. После обеда я обычно встречаюсь с друзьями или занимаюсь спортом. Кроме того, я играю в компьютерные игры и снимаю видеоигры на своем канале YouTube. Я не всегда играю в одну игру. Но обычно я играю в Minecraft или в шутерской игре Battle Carnival. Затем я делаю домашнее задание на следующий учебный день. Мне требуется около 4 часов. Если у меня есть 2 или 3 часа перед сном, я смотрю сериал или видео на YouTube, слушаю музыку, беседую с друзьями или маме готовить ужин. Когда ужин готов, мы собираемся в столовой, ели и делились новостями дня. После ужина около 11 часов я принимаю ванну и ложась спать.
Так что да.
4,7(71 оценок)
Я не профи, но, на мой взгляд, есть такие неточности:
wash one's my face -- причем тут one's?
My college is away from house -- house повис; нужен the или my
classes are finished -- are over, finished коряво, если вообще допустимо
go in for sports -- я б заменила на do sports
in the shooter game -- a shooter game (without prep.)
video in YouTube -- on YouTube
listen to the music -- listen to music
the supper is ready  -- supper is ready
4,6(25 оценок)
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We placed an advert in the newspaper.  
Your hairs are rather dirty. Wash it.  
He left the room without saying goodbye.  
The whole story was very interesting.  
You will become breathless if you will run too fast.
When he feeds his dog, he will wash his car.
They had a picnic in a big forest.
Синонимом-прилагательным выделенного слова в предложении
“She was really scared.” является:  b) frightened  
Why have you come? The concert has been put off till next week.  
 who will come to your party?  
She feels miserable whenever it rains.
Her TV didn’t work so she tried to move the aerial.
Never stop improving yourself.
When you meet her, remember to give her this letter.
Have we met? I’ve forgotten meeting you.
We regret selling our old car. It was really big.
I enjoy doing the shopping. It’s so cool.  
He is so intelligent. He always speaks like a book.
She said they have translated three texts by that time.  
They said you would repair our machine the next Monday.
My sister wondered what I was going to wear that day.
We told them to show their results
Steven asked Bob if he had sent the letter.
Mother asked me if would I stay at home.
Jeremy asked his little son what has he seen.
Her friends asked her why was she crying.
The man said to Helen not to be afraid of his dog. 
This food is healthless. Don’t eat it.
Does the dress which I bought yesterday suit me?
You should read the whole book to understand its plot.  
If you need to move the mouse to point at different pictures at the top of the screen, you should click on different icons.
To book tickets means to reserve them in advance. 
4,8(76 оценок)
Dear Tom!
I remember you asked me last time what do I do to be healthy. So I decided to write about it in my letter. I think I have a pretty healthy lifestyle because I'm trying to eat healthy food, not eating too much at a time, I keep low sugar diet and drink lots of water during the day. I'm also visiting sports club 3 times a week, I wake up early and not staying up late in the evening. Also I like to walk a lot and spend as much time on fresh air as I can. Please write me back what is your lifestyle? It will be nice to compare what do we have in common.
Looking forward to your reply,
Maxim :)
4,4(9 оценок)
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