David was scared because an alligator was after him. David and Sandra were when they saw the Jivaro Indians with a white man. Sandra didn't know him but David recognised him as a Doctor Hamperdin. David was confused so Doctor Hamperdin explained that he lived with Jivaro Indians after his accident. He said the Indians love their land and they want to protect it. He promised to help them write their article then he asked them not to tell anyone about him.
1) Sandra and David got on a plane to Brazil.
2) They went to the jungle.
3) They ran to the river.
4) They found a canoe.
5) They fell down a waterfall.
6) Sandra saved David from an alligator.
7) They heard drums
8) They met Doctor
9) Doctor Hamperdin told them about
10) Sandra and David came back to London.
11) Mike was satisfied with their article.
Тут я поставил по порядку смотря на текст, поставил так как по моему будет иметь логику, так как задание с аудио файлом, а файла в закрепе не было.
1) large
2) longest
3) many
4) serious
5) whole