Hi! My name is (впиши имя). I study at school number (номер школы), at (впиши класс) class. I want to tell you about my favourite food. Most of all I like ice-cream and pancakes. I can eat ice-cream in every season. So, my grandmother cooks pancakes for me (and my brother/sister/father/mother) every weekend. I like to spend weekend time with my granny. My family favourite food is pasta. My parents sometimes tell me I should live in Italy, because I like all variations of this food, be it boiled, fried, with sauce or without, with bacon, with cheese, with vegetables.
Еда очень важна , без еды мы не сможем жить двигаться и у нас не будет энергии. Я люблю здоровую и полезную пищу конечно можно побаловать себя но в меру. Чаще всего я вместе с родителями на завтрак кушаем кашу в обед суп и на ужин сытный хороший ужин или же творог(йогурт). Правильное питание питание даёт нам с родителями очень много сил и хороший крепкий сон.
Food is very important, without food, we can not move to live and we will not have the energy. I love a healthy and wholesome food of course you can treat yourself but in moderation. Most of all, I together with my parents we eat porridge for breakfast lunch and dinner soup hearty good meal or curd (yogurt). Proper nutrition gives us the power to the parents a lot of energy and a good sound sleep.