Поставить предложение в pr. perfect и сделать по типам вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему) предложение : john has bought the cristmas present to day
John has bought the Christmas present today,hasn’t he? Разделительный Who has bought the Christmas present today? Вопрос к подлежащему Has John bought the Christmas present today? Общий Has John bought the Christmas or New Year Day’s present today? Альтернативный What has John bought today? Специальный
1) to process - a) processing - обрабатывая, обрабатывающий; b) having processed - обработав; 2) to break - a) breaking - ломая, ломающий; b) having broken - сломав; 3) to buy - a) buying - покупая, покупающий; b) having bought - купив; 4) to pass - a) passing - проходя, проходящий; b) having passed - пройдя; 5) to connect - a) connecting - соединяя, соединяющий; b) having connected - соединив; 6) to know - a) knowing - зная, знающий; b) having known - узнав; 7) to require - a) requiring - требуя, требующий; b) having required - затребовав; 8) to fulfill - a) fulfilling - выполняя, выполняющий; b) having fulfilled - выполнив; 9) to invent - a) inventing - изобретая, изобретающий; b) having invented - изобретя; 10) to take - a) taking - беря, берущий; b) having taken - взяв; 11) to tell - a) telling - рассказывая, рассказывающий; b) having told - рассказав; 12) to forbid - a) forbidding - запрещая, запрещающий; b) having forbidden - запретив; 13) to damage - a) damaging - повреждая, повреждающий; b) having damaged - повредив; 14) to sign - a) signing - подписывая, подписывающий; b) having signed - подписав; 15) to report - a) reporting - докладывая, докладывающий; b) having reported - доложив.
Karlosson is a character from a famous book written by Swedish author Astrid Lindgrenis. He is a very interesting and funny person. He likes playing with children and also he likes eating jam. Karlsson is a short, stout, overconfident man, who lives in a small house on the roof of an ordinary apartment building. He looks like adult person and a child at the same time. Most of all he likes adventure. He can fly because he has propeller. He has a best friend it's a little boy who lives in a block of flats. Karlosson always helps him when he needs and plays with him. They always make a lot of jokes and laugh.
Who has bought the Christmas present today? Вопрос к подлежащему
Has John bought the Christmas present today? Общий
Has John bought the Christmas or New Year Day’s present today? Альтернативный
What has John bought today? Специальный