One of my biggest fears is spiders. I do not like them since childhood. Once I pick berries in the forest and a spider crawled into my boots. I was very scared. Another image of a spider scares me. He has long legs and a small body. But I understand that this spider is nothing I can do. This myself and calm.
Один из самых моих больших страхов это пауки. Я их не люблю еще с детства. Однажды я собирал ягоды в лесу и паук залез ко мне в сапог. Я тогда очень напугался. Еще меня пугает образ паука. У него длинные ноги и маленькое туловище. Но я понимаю что этот паук ничего мне не может сделать. Этим я себя и успокаиваю.
Устойчивое выражение have (has) ON - обозначает, что что-то на ком-то НАДЕТО,можно вместо has on везде написать is wearing (одет в настоящий момент)
1) Steve has a shirt with a tie, a coat and jeans on.
Bill has a shirt with a tie and jeans on. (можно добавить too - тоже)
2) John has a shirt and jeans on.
Ann has a dress on. (sarafan-это чисто русский вид платья, поэтому в англ языке такого слова нет, пишешь или платье (dress) или сарафан, но англ буквами) .
Stert has a shirt and jeans on.
Mary has a shirt and knee-breeches on.
2. Some good advice were given to his parents.
3. The news had been told me by Mary
4. The little boy was looked by the people.
5. The paper was examined
6. He was asked about his holidays
7. The novel has already been discussed.
8. The address wasn’t given
9. The way to the station was shown
10. I will be introduced to his friends.