There is a mirror. There is a television. There are two lamps. There are three armchairs. There are three windows. There are two paintings. There is a carpet.
Здесь еще зависит от того, в каком времени тебе нужно было написать. Я написал в настоящем. Если в , то is меняешь на was, а are на were. Также, если тебе нужно было отрицание, то просто добавляешь not (пишется раздельно) или скращено n't слитно)(, например: wasn't (was not), weren't (were not), isn't (is not), aren't (are not)
(Если ответ был полезный, отметь как лучший в знак благодарности)))
1. Jeans were the perfect clothes for difficult working conditions because they were cheaper and lasted longer.
2. Hollywood gave life in the American West a more attractive image, which made middle-class Americans want to copy the image in films.
3. The teenagers wanted to show that they were different from their parents, and for this they used jeans.
4. Hippies wore jeans to show they were working class and to break down racial barriers.
5. Jeans were cheap and prices fell. Because of what more and more people could afford to buy them.