1. Codes of practice and codes of ethics have been established by many engineering societies to guide members and inform...
2. Infrastructure couldn't be developed by many African nations without outside help.
3. The development of nuclear weapons, the design and use of sport utility vehicles and the extraction of oil are included in examples from different engineering disciplines.
4. Serious corporate and social responsibility policies have been enacted bz some western engineering companies.
Биатлон - очень интересно, может быстро и неожиданно смениться лидер, из-за неудачной стрельбы. К сожалению, наши биатлонисты часто разочаровывают, особенно женщины. Фигурное катание , только его очень поздно показывают. Крупные международные соревнования по лёгкой атлетике - поболеть за наших. Иногда - кёрлинг -женщины.
Biathlon is very interesting, the leader can change quickly and unexpectedly due to unsuccessful shooting. Unfortunately, our biathletes are often disappointing, especially women. Figure skating, only it is shown very late. Major international athletics competitions - cheer for ours. Sometimes women curling.
1. aunt - uncle
3) grandma - grandpa
2. sister - brother
4) father - mother
1) Russia - Russian
Britain - British
3) Japan - Japanese
4) Germany - German.
1) Have Lusy and Mary got cameras?
No, they haven't.
Have Bill got a school bag?
Yes, he have.
His school bag is big.
3) Kate and Mary haven't got pencils.
4)Have Laura got a pink pencil case?
Yes, she have.
But her pencil case is pink.
5) Bill and Lusy's books are interesting.
1) It's Peter's scarf.
2) Kate and Mary are sisters. Them surname is Smith.
3) This is Lusy and this is her brother.
4) You can have this pen. It's not mine.
5) I love your cat.
1) tall girl - high girl.
2) long hair - short hair.
3) small eyes - big eyes.
4) old man - young man.
1) What's your name? Peter.
2) What's your nationality? German.
3) How old are you? Thirteen.
4) Where are you from? Germany.
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