Svyatoslav Ivanovich Vakarchuk (narrative 14 travnya 1975, Mukachevo, Zakarpatska region) - Ukrainian musician, vocalist, rocker-rock band "Ocean Elzi", composer, gromadsky dyach. Honored Artist of Ukraine [1], people's deputy of Ukraine 6 th scrolling (from 2007 to 2008). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2009).
JittriestisHe was born at the same time as Lviv's famous science-fiction, Ivan Vakarchuk. Batko - Іvan Oleksandrovich, Ukrainian (b. 6 birch, b. 1947), resemble the Ukrainian village Stari Bratushani, sho Roshtashovan on the territory of Moldova Mathi - Svitlana Oleksandrivna (born 1947), Ukraine, was born at the m. Mukachevo, kudi 1946 rock for rozpodilom on lіnії Osvіti bula directed її mum, babusya Svyatoslav, Nina (b. 1917 in Mogiliv-Podilsky, Vinnitsa reg. .). After 2 months, according to the people of Svyatoslav, the motherland turned from Mukachevo to Lviv, and dey lived post-nately. Закінчив місцеву середню школа № 4 з погглибленим вивченням англійської мови (тепер Львівська лінгвістична гімназія) зі срібною медалью. Two rock bands borrowed from the music school for the violin class, paralelno navchayuchis gri on bayan. In shkilnyi rock, the fate of the fate of the KVK, strekrenny shkilnogo theater, actively borrowing basketball. 1990 року, після падіння «залізної завіси» Svyatoslav zdіysniv поїздку до Канади (за міжнародним обміном учіні зі USA і Kanadi pivnyy hour lived in Ukraine, and ukrainian їхали туди), звідки привіз велику колекцію касет і записів рок-музики. 1991-1996 - at the faculty of the Faculty of Lviv University (specialization - theoretical fizika). Another is a vyshcha osvita - economist-mozharoniknik. 1996 - entering aspirantury at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the same university. Влітку-восени 1994 приєднався до арт-рок-гурту «Клан тиші», стренгого in 1992 році beside the warehouse: Андрій Голяк (вокал), Павло Гудімов (гітара), Юрій Хусточка (бас-гітара), Денис Глінін (ударнн), після addition, як раніше звідти пішов Andriy Golyak; in the 12th year of the 1994 Gurt, taking the name "Ocean Elzy". [2] Svyatoslav Vakarchuk becoming a vocalist, the author of interlocutory bolshostі tekstіv ta muzyki i nezmіnnym liderom gurtu. Після закінчення університету Вакарчук міг продовжувати навчання за кордоном, але зосередився на музичній кар'єрі. In the quarter 1998, the guurt went over to Kieva, de recording the debut card ("There, de us is not," 1998). In 2004, the bass player Yuriy Khustochka and the clerk Dmitro Shurov (at the warehouse in 2000), ykі created the rock-gourmet Esthetic Education, and takozh the guitarist Pavlo Gudimov, who created the 2005 rock gourmud Gudimov. Denis Glinin, the drummer, was left behind. Після їхнього відходу Svyatoslav пише пісню «Дякую». The album "Ґloria" (2005) was recorded in the new warehouse "Okeanu Elzy". At 2005 році Svyatoslav vigrav vomvi "Viva! Naykrasivіshі" u nomіnatsії "Naykrasivіshy ukraynets for the magazine" Viva! "" That is embellished yogo obkladinka. [3] 4 листопада 2008 року at the National Academic Dramatic Theater. Іван Франка відбувся concert-presentation of the new musical project of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk "Vnochi". At the concert, there are 11 compositions, yakі uvіyshli to the one-man album, scho zakazdaєtsya z riznomannyhnikh za genre, jazovikh, pisen. [4] [5] Vlitka 2009 roku zahastiv dissertatsiyu on the name of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the Institute of Physics of condensing systems of NAS of Ukraine. The theme of robotics is "Supersymmetry of an electron in a magnetic field" [6]. Pratsya over roboty trivala bagato rock, ala through postinoyu zaynyatіst finish, її has gone more than 2009. Early one album in the "Ocean Elzy" boule was named "Supersymetry", and one of the album's albums is called "Susy", but it is an abstract from supersymmetry.
Concert at the XI International Investment Forum "Sochi - 2012".Vlyno speak Ukrainian, Polish, English, Russian movi. For otsynkoju tyzhnevika "Correspondent", Svyatoslav Vakarchuk to enter to першої сотні найвплиіішіівівівіві and ійвідоміших people in Україні. Naprikinzi 2011 presented the new rock music project "Brussels", in which I presented the song, but I did not fit into the concept of the "Ocean Elzy" lake. And yak muzikantiv Svyatoslav requesting for robotics above the zim album of Dmitri Shurov, Max Malishev, Peter Chernyavsky and Sergiy Babkina. Hanging in 2012 the Boulo rock tour of the project "Brussels" was held. In the spring of 2016, the rock "Okean Elzy" vidustiv an album "Without inter" and rozpochav dvirichny svitovy tour, which ends in 17 chernivya 2017 in Lviv.
ЭКСПО ВЕКА В СЕВИЛЬЕ Король Испании Хуан Карлос открыл Expo’92, крупнейших универсальных экспозиции 20-го века, в апреле 1992 года. Это обойдется в $285 млн., и это отмечали 500-annuversary Христофора Колумба, открытие Америки, и пять веков научно-технического прогресса Испания выбрала небольшой остров близ Севильи, как расположение Expo’92 из-за исторических связей с Columbus. Люди верят, что он провел десять лет своей жизни в красивый монастырь на острове и написал четыре автобиографические книги. С выбором Севильи для Expo’92, Испания решился на крупный инвестиционный проект в Андалусии. Строительные работы для этого projet потребовалось десять лет, и работало более 20 000 работников. Это обойдется в $7,5 млрд и предоставил новые автомагистрали, высокоскоростной железной дороги в Мадриде, и очень современные системы телекоммуникаций. Севилья получила новые отели и квартиры, новый Международный аэропорт, и его первой оперы.
A sailor came to his native village from sea. His parents and relatives gathered around him to listen to his adventures. And the sailor began to boast: "I was in many countries and saw a lot of strange things. Once our ship got to a sea of milk, in the middle of which there was a mountain of sugar and an island of chese. And when we were in the Pacific Ocean we saw a flying fish. The flying fish can fly for a long time when the enemies are after them". Then hшs mother said:"I can believe that there are seas of milk and islands of cheese, but I can not believe in flying fish, son".
JittriestisHe was born at the same time as Lviv's famous science-fiction, Ivan Vakarchuk.
Batko - Іvan Oleksandrovich, Ukrainian (b. 6 birch, b. 1947), resemble the Ukrainian village Stari Bratushani, sho Roshtashovan on the territory of Moldova
Mathi - Svitlana Oleksandrivna (born 1947), Ukraine, was born at the m. Mukachevo, kudi 1946 rock for rozpodilom on lіnії Osvіti bula directed її mum, babusya Svyatoslav, Nina (b. 1917 in Mogiliv-Podilsky, Vinnitsa reg. .). After 2 months, according to the people of Svyatoslav, the motherland turned from Mukachevo to Lviv, and dey lived post-nately.
Закінчив місцеву середню школа № 4 з погглибленим вивченням англійської мови (тепер Львівська лінгвістична гімназія) зі срібною медалью. Two rock bands borrowed from the music school for the violin class, paralelno navchayuchis gri on bayan. In shkilnyi rock, the fate of the fate of the KVK, strekrenny shkilnogo theater, actively borrowing basketball. 1990 року, після падіння «залізної завіси» Svyatoslav zdіysniv поїздку до Канади (за міжнародним обміном учіні зі USA і Kanadi pivnyy hour lived in Ukraine, and ukrainian їхали туди), звідки привіз велику колекцію касет і записів рок-музики.
1991-1996 - at the faculty of the Faculty of Lviv University (specialization - theoretical fizika). Another is a vyshcha osvita - economist-mozharoniknik. 1996 - entering aspirantury at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the same university.
Влітку-восени 1994 приєднався до арт-рок-гурту «Клан тиші», стренгого in 1992 році beside the warehouse: Андрій Голяк (вокал), Павло Гудімов (гітара), Юрій Хусточка (бас-гітара), Денис Глінін (ударнн), після addition, як раніше звідти пішов Andriy Golyak; in the 12th year of the 1994 Gurt, taking the name "Ocean Elzy". [2] Svyatoslav Vakarchuk becoming a vocalist, the author of interlocutory bolshostі tekstіv ta muzyki i nezmіnnym liderom gurtu.
Після закінчення університету Вакарчук міг продовжувати навчання за кордоном, але зосередився на музичній кар'єрі. In the quarter 1998, the guurt went over to Kieva, de recording the debut card ("There, de us is not," 1998).
In 2004, the bass player Yuriy Khustochka and the clerk Dmitro Shurov (at the warehouse in 2000), ykі created the rock-gourmet Esthetic Education, and takozh the guitarist Pavlo Gudimov, who created the 2005 rock gourmud Gudimov. Denis Glinin, the drummer, was left behind. Після їхнього відходу Svyatoslav пише пісню «Дякую».
The album "Ґloria" (2005) was recorded in the new warehouse "Okeanu Elzy".
At 2005 році Svyatoslav vigrav vomvi "Viva! Naykrasivіshі" u nomіnatsії "Naykrasivіshy ukraynets for the magazine" Viva! "" That is embellished yogo obkladinka. [3]
4 листопада 2008 року at the National Academic Dramatic Theater. Іван Франка відбувся concert-presentation of the new musical project of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk "Vnochi". At the concert, there are 11 compositions, yakі uvіyshli to the one-man album, scho zakazdaєtsya z riznomannyhnikh za genre, jazovikh, pisen. [4] [5]
Vlitka 2009 roku zahastiv dissertatsiyu on the name of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the Institute of Physics of condensing systems of NAS of Ukraine. The theme of robotics is "Supersymmetry of an electron in a magnetic field" [6]. Pratsya over roboty trivala bagato rock, ala through postinoyu zaynyatіst finish, її has gone more than 2009. Early one album in the "Ocean Elzy" boule was named "Supersymetry", and one of the album's albums is called "Susy", but it is an abstract from supersymmetry.
Concert at the XI International Investment Forum "Sochi - 2012".Vlyno speak Ukrainian, Polish, English, Russian movi.
For otsynkoju tyzhnevika "Correspondent", Svyatoslav Vakarchuk to enter to першої сотні найвплиіішіівівівіві and ійвідоміших people in Україні.
Naprikinzi 2011 presented the new rock music project "Brussels", in which I presented the song, but I did not fit into the concept of the "Ocean Elzy" lake. And yak muzikantiv Svyatoslav requesting for robotics above the zim album of Dmitri Shurov, Max Malishev, Peter Chernyavsky and Sergiy Babkina. Hanging in 2012 the Boulo rock tour of the project "Brussels" was held. In the spring of 2016, the rock "Okean Elzy" vidustiv an album "Without inter" and rozpochav dvirichny svitovy tour, which ends in 17 chernivya 2017 in Lviv.