The job of pilot is a very demanding.
We could hear the noise of the passing traffic.
The legs of the trousers were too long.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation .
This picture of their country house.
We regret to infirm you that your request for a loan has been refused.
The key to a successful career is to find a job that you really enjoy.
I don't like the idea of staying in town on such a hot day.
The tomb of Tutenkhamun was discovered in Egypt in 1922.
A galaxy is a collection of millions of stars.
I can't think of answer to your question.
I have written several times but I haven't received a reply to my letters.
He says he has never seen any paiting by Turner.
Emily didn't give us a convincing reason for not coming to the party.
I can't see the attraction of spending all day on the beach.
Her friends' messages of sympathy were a comfort forher during her illness.
the spread of drugs is a threat to the stability of he country.
a complete rest is the best cure for your disease.
24. came, found, had taken.25. had finished, decided .26. had used / had been using; arrived.27. started had not gone. 28. looked, had used. 29. interrupted; had finished.30. had dressed and eaten , Linda rushed off 31 had already seen that musical before he read the review about it.32. When I went into the room; somebody had been smoking in there.33. Because Jasper had made ; he hoped , although there were a lot of people ... when he arrived.34. By the time Bill left school, he had spoken . When he was at university he learnt Italian and Spanish.35. sent ; why she had not done what she had promised.36. Ann only had been working there for a few days when she decided to leave.37. told; there was no money ; I had spent it all.38. had come off .39. got, told, had phoned when I was out.40. They got married in 1990, had fallen in love.41. While I was trying ; a passing car stopped and the driver offered to help me.42. found; he had left .43. David admitted that he had hit, but said he had not damaged it.44. Jane missed ; had informed her about it.45. It turned out that they had used/ had been using . 46. had started working when he realized that he needed to go to the library. 47. was walking home, she tried to remember what had happened.48. had done, they were 49. was eighteen she had been studying English for six years. 50. had been raising .51. We had been flying ; announced we had .52. crossed ; had gone home.53. had burnt ; arrived.
Людвиг ван Бетховен крещен 17 декабря 1770 умер 26 марта 1827, был немецкий композитор и пианист-виртуоз. Он был важной фигурой в переходном периоде между классической и романтической эпох в Западной классической музыке, и остается одним из самых известных и влиятельных музыкантов всех времен.
Родившись в Бонне, Германия, он переехал в Вену, Австрия, в начале двадцатых годов и поселился там, учась у Йозефа Гайдна и быстро завоевывая репутацию виртуозного пианиста. Слух Бетховена постепенно ухудшался в начале двадцатых годов, но он продолжал сочинять шедевры, вести и исполнять, даже после того, как он был полностью глухим.
Родители Бетховена были Иоганну Ван Бетховену (1740 году в Бонне -1792) и Мария Магдалена Keverich (1744 в Ehrenbreitstein–1787). Отец Магдалены Иоганн Генрих Кевич был шеф-поваром при дворе Архиепископства Трира в крепости Фестунг Эренбрейтштейн напротив Кобленца. Бетховен был, как и их первый ребенок Людвиг Мария, назван в честь отца своего отца Лодейка Ван Бетховена (1712-1773), музыкант Римско-католической фламандской родословной, который в свое время был Капельмейстером при дворе Клеменса августа баварского, князя-архиепископа-курфюрста Кельна, и женился на бабушке Бетховена Марии Джозефовой (1714-1775) в 1733 году.
Бетховен родился в Бонне, Германия в 1770 году. Из семерых детей, родившихся у Иоганна Бетховена, сам единственный оставшийся в живых из трех, только второй родился Людвиг и два младших брата пережили младенчество. Бетховен крещен 17 декабря 1770. Хотя его дата рождения не известна наверняка, его семья праздновала свой день рождения 16 дек