Dear Michael, I am afraid, a terrible thing sluchilas.Ya went to Tunbridge Wells. I had no documents for Rob. This document is a top secret. Robin dropped it, I picked it. This document is the key to the treasure. I met a beautiful woman on a train. She had a heavy bag and I asked her: "Do you need a hand?" She said: "Thank you." We talked, and she told me: "You are strong, you are beautiful, tell me about your business." I told her about you, Rob and Robin, and she said, "You you pull my leg." Then she stole the document. Rob I have fired Tell me everything Rob. Love Agent Kyut
1. I want her to enter a finance college. - Я хочу, чтобы она поступила в финансовый колледж.
2. I would like you to ivite them to the birthday party. - Я бы хотел, чтобы ты пригласил их День рождения.
3. The law in Britain allows young people to leave scholl at 16. - В Британии закон позволяет оставлять школу в 16 лет.
4.The British law permits children at 12 buy a pet without their parents consent. - Согласно британскому закону, дети, которым исполнилось 12 лет, могут покупать домашних питомцев без разрешения родителей.
5. His parents dont let him marry at 16. - Его родители не разрешают ему жениться в 16 (лет).