1) Present Perfect, глагол has flown,
+) Has marry flown by plane lately?
-) Marry hasn't flown by plane lately
время ), глагол came ( приходить )
+) Did Jill and Bobby come come to their friends house yesterday?
-) Jill and Bobby didn't come to their friend's house yesterday.
2 Задание!
1) We went to the theatre last week
2) Yesterday I had dinner with a friend.
3) Have you ever went to Central Park in New York?
4) She has never seen snow before.
+ и - это Положительное и Отрицательное предложения, удачи, люблю
Lemurs are nocturnal animals, they are common in Madagascar, Africa, India and the Sunda Islands. All species of lemurs live exclusively in forests, rich in fruits and insects. During the day they hide in the darkest corners of the forest, or in hollow trees, where they sleep until dusk. They fall asleep in the strangest poses: clinging firmly to a branch and wrapped head tail. Sometimes they sleep in pairs, forming a kind of fur ball.They sleep very lightly and can Wake up from even the buzz of a fly or beetle.
пятьдесят четвертый- fiftieth-fourth