My favorite Board game is monopoly.
In 1934, at the height of the great depression, Charles Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania, showed representatives of the Parker brothers company a draft of the Monopoly game.
This is a group game where a group of friends can pass the evening with pleasure. The game is very gambling and exciting, so regardless of the result of the game, players return to it again and again.
This game introduces the basics of Economics. After getting acquainted with this game, I began to think about economic problems. Sometimes I find myself being drawn to articles in magazines by words from this game: stocks, concerns, etc.I found it interesting to read about someone else's experience of economic UPS and downs, such as Theodore Dreiser's "Financier". We can confidently say that this game teaches you to think logically no worse than mathematical problems. Thanks to this game practice, my ability to plan has increased, and I have a need for forecasting. No wonder this game has become so popular all over the world. It has been played for many decades. It is re-issued, modified, while maintaining its essence. The game "Monopoly" can be considered international. Friends told me how on vacation they played it with their foreign peers, having almost no points of language understanding. I know that there are special clubs that combine older players. Even, in my opinion, there are tournaments for skill and luck. When I get older, I plan to join such a community. This game promotes consideration of further economic education.
I can safely recommend this game to anyone who has not tried it yet. I'm sure it will not leave anyone indifferent!
Результаты поиска
Я очень хорошо рисую
Мне нало написать сочинение
Птицы умеют летать
Я люблю плавть в море.
Я бы хотела научиться петь.
Я выпила полстакана воды.
Я считала воробушков
Я седела и читала книгу.
Я выбежала ищ класса как только прозвенел звонок
YA ochen' khorosho risuyu
Mne nalo napisat' sochineniye
Ptitsy umeyut letat'
YA lyublyu plavt' v more.
YA by khotela nauchit'sya pet'.
YA vypila polstakana vody.
YA schitala vorobushkov
YA sedela i chitala knigu.
YA vybezhala ishch klassa kak tol'ko prozvenel zvonok
I draw very well
I have to write an essay
Birds can fly
I like to swim in the sea.
I would like to learn to sing.
I drank half a glass of water.
I counted sparrows
I sat down and read a book.
I ran out looking for class as soon as the bell rang