1. He's changed so much! If you met him, you
wouldn't recognize him. 2. If I were in your place, I would
consulted with parents. 3. If
the tram came up now, we would not be late. 4. if he knew it
would upset you, he would be more careful. 5. If you'd
helped to solve this problem, I would be very much blah-
Gagarin. 6. I wish we had thought to
look for a book in the library earlier. We would have done the job
on time and would have been free by now. 7. it Is a pity that
we had so few lessons. If we did more
work, we would know the language better. 8. If he
I did not regularly attend sports training, he would not
have achieved such success in competitions, 9. If you
had warned me in advance, I would have already been in Moscow, 10.
He has changed so much! If you met him, you would not recognize him. 2) If I were in your place, I would consult with my parents. 3) If a tram came up now, we would not be late. 4) If he knew that it was will upset you, he would be more careful. 5) If you could help me solve this problem, I would be very grateful to you. 6) It’s a pity that it had not occurred to us earlier to look for a book in the library. We would have done the work on time and were now 7) It's a shame that we had so few lessons. If we worked more, we would know the language better. 8) If he hadn't regularly attended sports training, he would not have achieved such success in competitions. 9) If you had warned me in advance, I would have already been in Moscow. 10) Sorry
Take care of yourselves.
Здравствуйте. Сегодня я собираюсь научить вас некоторым правилам дорожного движения. Эти правила могут вашу жизнь или жизни других людей. Выполнять эти правила не так сложно, но очень важно. Первое правило гласит: вы не можете переходить дорогу, не убедившись в безопасности выбранного вами пути. Второе: переходить дорогу вне пешеходного перехода небезопасно. И последнее, но не по значению, гласит: не переходите дорогу на красный сигнал светофора.
Будьте осторожны.