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Перевод на язык : 1) по всему свету 2) вести спокойный образ жизни 3) восхищаться собором 4) человечества 5) закопать коробку с монетами 6) быть похороненным около церкви 7) законы природы 8) маленькая деревня 9) соблюдать законы 10) нарушать законы 11) смесь цветов 12) целый класс

1) all over the world

2) lead a quiet lifestyle

3) admire the cathedral

4) the history of mankind

5) to bury a box of coins

6) to be buried near the church

7) the laws of nature

8) small village

9) observe the laws

10) violate the laws

11) a mixture of colors

12) whole class
4,4(79 оценок)
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1. The London underground is the (4) busiest and the (1) hy-plane in the world.
To answer this question, we need to choose words from the word-box that fit the given sentence. In this case, we are looking for two words that describe the London underground. The word "busiest" fits perfectly as it means the underground is the most crowded or has the highest number of passengers. As for the second word, "hy-plane" is not a valid word. It seems like a mistake or typo in the word-box. Therefore, we need to choose another word that fits the sentence. The word "cheap" doesn't make sense in this context, so we can eliminate it. The only suitable option is "expensive," which means the London underground is costly or requires a high price to use.

2. You'd (3) better travel by bus. Relax and enjoy the (5) views.
In this sentence, we need to fill in the blanks with suitable words. The phrase "better" means it is advisable or preferable to travel by bus. The word "cheap" wouldn't make sense here, so we can eliminate it. The word "healthy" also doesn't fit the context. The remaining option is "improve," which doesn't make sense in this sentence. So, the correct choice is "afford," which means you can financially manage to travel by bus.
As for the second blank, we need to choose a word that describes the views (what you see) while traveling by bus. The word "elimbing" doesn't make sense, so we can exclude it. The word "ads" refers to advertisements and is not suitable in this case. The correct choice is "scenic" which means having beautiful or picturesque views.

3. Cycling is (5) quick and (6) healthy:
To complete this sentence, we need to find words that describe cycling. The word "cheap" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The word "healthy" already appears later in the sentence, so it cannot be used twice. The correct choice for the first blank is "quick," which means fast or speedy. For the second blank, the word "better" doesn't make sense and doesn't fit grammatically. The word "expensive" also doesn't make sense in this context. The only suitable option is "healthy," which means good for your physical well-being.

4. Come and learn how to (7) bake bread.
In this sentence, we need to choose a word that fits the activity of learning how to bake bread. The word "elimbing" does not make sense here, so we can exclude it. The word "cheap" doesn't fit the context either. The word "language" refers to the study of languages and doesn't make sense in this sentence. The correct choice is "bake," which is the activity mentioned in the sentence.

5. Activities include: fishing, (8) climbing, boating.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose a word that fits the activities mentioned. The word "elimbing" seems to be a typo and can be excluded. The word "healthy" doesn't fit the context. The correct choice is "rock," which means climbing steep or rugged surfaces.

6. Are you (19) short of money? Then have a working holiday!
In this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes someone who doesn't have enough money. The word "views" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The word "short" fits the context perfectly, as it means lacking an adequate amount of something, in this case, money.

7. I must take a (16) passport to travel abroad.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes the type of passport needed for traveling abroad. The word "elimbing" doesn't make sense here, so we can exclude it. The word "hy-plane" is not a valid word, so we need to find an alternative. The correct choice is "valid," which means legally acceptable or in force.

8. Traveling to Britain is a good chance to (11) improve your English.
In this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes the opportunity or possibility to enhance your English skills while traveling to Britain. The word "improve" fits perfectly in this context, as it means to make something better or enhance its quality.

9. A package tour includes tickets, (2) accommodation, meals, and sometimes excursions.
For this sentence, we need to choose a word that completes the phrase "accommodation, meals, and sometimes excursions." The word "busiest" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The word "cheap" is not suitable here either. The word "expensive" also doesn't fit the context. The correct choice is "better," which means of a higher quality or more preferable.

10. Going (13) by plane is the most (14) expensive way of traveling.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose words that describe traveling by plane. The word "healthy" doesn't fit the context, so we can eliminate it. The word "improve" also doesn't make sense here. The correct choices are "by plane" for the first blank and "expensive" for the second blank.

11. A traditional holiday abroad is spent at a seaside (15) resort.
In this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes the type of place where a traditional holiday abroad is spent. The word "views" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The only suitable option is "resort," which refers to a place where people go on vacation or for leisure activities.

12. Some people go to Britain for (12) language courses.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes the type of courses that some people go to Britain for. The word "accommodation" doesn't fit the context here, so we can exclude it. The correct choice is "language," as it refers to courses that focus on learning a language.

13. Travel agents' windows are full of (17) ads.
For this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes what can be found in travel agents' windows. The word "cheap" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The correct choice is "ads," which stands for advertisements or promotional materials.

14. A lot of people can (18) afford a holiday in GB now.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose a word that describes the ability of many people to financially manage a holiday in Great Britain. The word "language" doesn't fit the context, so we can exclude it. The correct choice is "afford," which means to have enough money to buy or do something.

15. (12) Travel agencies offer different kinds of holidays.
To answer this question, we need to choose the word that correctly completes the phrase "Travel agencies offer different kinds of." The word "passport" doesn't fit the context here, so we can exclude it. The correct choice is "travel," which means agencies that specialize in organizing and providing travel services.
4,5(64 оценок)
1. There ... my car ... the office building.
- isn't, near

2. What's his job?
- He is a teacher

3. We ... to take part in this ecological project.
- will

4. Health and happiness are ... than money.
- more important

5. Who is that girl? I haven't seen ... before.
- her

6. ... you ... my letter from the USA yet? I ... it to you a week ago.
- Have you received / sent

7. They ... their article now.
- aren't reading

8. Определите функцию 's в предложении "The park is near my uncle's house".
- possessive case

9. These are the ... shoes I have ever bought.
- worst

10. The shopping centre is far ... my house.
- from

11. Какое из предложенных предложений имеет правильный порядок слов?
- What exams did you pass to enter the University?

12. Can you turn on ... light, please?
- the

13. My brother goes to ... gym three times a week.
- a

14. This is a very beautiful painting.
- a

15. Is it the second time you ... Russia? No, I ... Russia four or five times.
- have been to / have been to

16. She went ... shop on Monday.
- to

17. This firm ... a new youth club during next summer.
- will be building

18. Our ... name is Miriam.
- daughter's

19. Give me the map ... this country, please.
- of

20. She ... got this book. Would you like to buy it?
- has

21. I would like to give a piece of advice.
- her

22. Do you have ... TV in your room?
- a

23. The youth team ... home from the competition at 5 o'clock yesterday.
- was flying

24. For example, in English there's one title for ..., Mr, and three for ..., Mrs, Miss, and Ms.
- men, women

25. He ... three rooms in the flat, doesn't he?
- has

26. ... you seen the new episode of Game of Thrones?
- Have

27. They sent a parcel to ... parents yesterday.
- their

28. New generation ... much time on the internet nowadays.
- is spending

29. They decided to meet ... the station.
- at
4,5(61 оценок)
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