I like different kinds of sport and games but most of all I love to ride a bike. Millions of people say they participate in bike riding at least six times during the year. Bike riding is the sixth most popular recreational activity for many people after exercise in walking, swimming, working out with weightlifting, bowling, and camping. In my opinion it's great to ride a bike, especially with friends. I really like to go up a high mountain and then to fly down from it. I feel like a flying bird at those moments. Usually I ride in the summer, when it is warm outside and it does not rain. My friends ride with me, because the more people, the merrier. We ride along forest paths to the nearest river or to the lake. We swim and play football or volleyball there and then return home. When I ride my muscles become stronger. I'm sure riding a bike is a useful and a pleasant hobby and sport. Я люблю различные виды спорта и разные спортивные игры, но больше всего я люблю ездить на велосипеде. Миллионы людей говорят, что они участвуют в езде на велосипеде по крайней мере шесть раз в течение года. Езда на велосипеде является шестым самым популярным рекреационным мероприятием для многих людей после прогулок, плавания, занятий с подъёмом тяжестей, боулинга и кемпинга.На мой взгляд, это здорово, ездить на велосипеде, особенно с друзьями. Мне очень нравится подниматься на высокую гору, а потом спускаться с нее. В такие моменты я чувствую себя летящей птицей. Обычно я катаюсь летом, когда на улице тепло и не идет дождь. Мои друзья едут со мной, потому что, чем больше людей, тем веселее. Едем по лесным тропинкам к ближайшей реке или к озеру. Мы плаваем и играем в футбол или волейбол там и потом возвращаемся домой. Когда я езжу, мои мышцы становятся сильнее. Я уверен, что езда на велосипеде-полезное и приятное хобби и спорт.
There is a good saying: “You are what you eat”. I think it means that we should be aware of what we are eating and choose healthy food only. There are so many products today with chemical additives and preservatives. My parents try to buy only natural products, which are nit genetically-modified. I can’t say I’m a picky eater but there are some dishes which I like and those which I don’t. For example, I can’t stand mushrooms or fish in food. Seafood is alright but boiled or fried fish is not for me. My favourite food is pasta. My parents sometimes tell me I should live in Italy, because I like all variations of this food, be it boiled, fried, with sauce or without, with bacon, with cheese, with vegetables, etc. My most favourite dish is Carbonara. It’s a pasta-based dish with white sauce, bacon and parmesan cheese. I can eat it three times a day and never get bored. It’s not difficult to cook. You just need half a kilo spaghetti, several slices of bacon, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, some olive oil, 2 or 3 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, some grated Parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley. Spaghetti needs to be boiled in salted water, then drained well and tossed with a tablespoon of olive oil. For the sauce we need to cook chopped bacon on a large pan until it’s slightly crispy. Then we add chopped onion and minced garlic clove, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook it for a minute. Then we add beaten eggs into the pan, some cheese, salt and pepper and cook it constantly tossing. When the sauce is ready it’s added to spaghetti. The dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and additional cheese. It is served immediately, while it’s hot. I have tried to cook Carbonara according to this recipe and it came out to be rather tasty.