Why on the earth constantly there are wars? War, thanks to a strong emotional pressure, promotes progress as progress isn't promoted by peace lazy time.During war the tool of attack and the protection tool will be improved, new effective technologies are created. There is a revaluation of existing values. But stated above not this main thing for the Principal Reason, which main objective ensuring forward development of humanity. The main thing that during war there is an extinction of weak human individuals, суббпассионарив, the people mutants, the having lowered instinct of self-preservation.During war of revolutions there is a replacement of elite of the society which has lost ability effectively to operate society, to provide its progress.As in cases the disposable ships, rotting it is easier to destroy society, and on its place other people to construct new society, than to try to reanimate, morally, intellectually and physically degrading society. Not tiresomely to represent God (Principal reason) in the form of the kind old man who only and thinks of that, as though was to well human individuals. At the Principal Reason defined the purpose – providing forward society development and as the tool for achievement of the purposes is a cruel way of mankind through sufferings and wars.It not cruelty of the Principal Reason, and performance of the task for the sake of which there is the principal reason: life preservation in the Universe
In these houses lived the whole elite of the Patriotic music intelligentsia, and composers, and performers, among them Galina Vishnevskaya, Mstislav Rostropovich, Georgy Sviridov and other the eight-storied houses are very similar in its decoration. The first floors have high ceilings and large arched window. The facades are divided by a shaped blades - this brings structures with famous high-rise buildings, the architecture of which were often targeted Soviet designers In the house, in addition to the apartments, is located also the Union of Composers with the Directorate, music and book library, the medical sanitary unit and a small concert invites the beginning XXI century, the building was overbuilt two additional floors, classic an attic and loft. A large part of the residents remains true to the world of music.
We drained the cup of bitterness to the dregs