An Embarrassing Incident
One day last summer I was walking through the local park. It was a hot day and I was eating
an ice cream. As I was walking past the boating lake, I saw my friends, Carol and Jim. They
were taking their dog for a walk. When we met, we stopped for a chat. While we were talking,
the dog suddenly jumped up and tried to get my ice cream. I pulled my hand away and
unfortunately the ice-cream came out of the cone. Now there was a bald man behind me. The
poor man wasn't doing any harm. He was just sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper.
Well, when I pulled my hand away, the ice cream flew through the air and it landed on the man's head. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. When I looked at my friends, they weren't just laughing, they were in hysterics. But I was terribly embarrassed.
1. Where was the man walking one day? He was walking through the local park
2. What was he eating? I was eating an ice cream.
3. Who was taking a dog for a walk? Carol and Jim were taking their dog for a walk
4. Was a bald man sitting on a bench or walking along the road? He was just sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper.
5. The poor man wasn't doing any harm, was he? He wasn't
6. Why I wonder that Carol and Jim were laughing? Because the ice-cream flew through the air and landed on the man's head
-Привет, Мэри
-Привет, Аня
-Я слышала ты бегала, давно ты привыкла?
-Два года. А какой вид спорта тебе интересен?
-Я люблю играть в баскетбол после школы.
-Ты в городской команде по баскетболу?
-Нет. Я ещё учусь играть.
-Хочешь я тебя научу?
-Да, было-бы прекрасно!
-Когда начнём?
-Может, завтра после уроков в моем саду?
-Окей, увидимся.
ответыShe addicted to run two years Ann favourite sport - basketball No, she only learning how to playYes she want to train with MaryThey will strat tomorrowWhat kind of sport are you interested?
(Какой вид спорта тебе интересен?)
I am just learning how to pay basketball
(Я только учусь как играть в баскетбол)
Maybe tomorrow after classes in my yard?
(Может завтра после уроков, в моём саду?)
В какой спорт ты хочешь играть? В какой вид?
ответ: I want to pay football, in team.
В какой ты чаще играешь?
ответ: I often play football and dancing.
Какой спорт тебе хочется попробовать?
ответ: I want to try swim in the swimming poоl.
Какие спортивные программы ты смотришь?
ответ: I like tennis-programs
Вы когда-нибудь встречали спортивную знаменитость?
ответ: No, only in TV