We live in the 21st century. Our life is full IT technologies, after all it is convenient and interesting. But to reach dismissal of teachers - mad idea!In Russia education in comparison with Europe leaves much to be desired. And for anybody it not a secret. Our government spends a fantastic sum financing a set of new projects: new computer classes, the best books, apparatuses and halls. But all this doesn't affect children. Why? Good question.The youth has no desire to study, learn the world. After school children run home to play on the computer or watch TV. This lack of interests in other aspects of world around afflicts.Therefore pupils need attention to their person, to their actions. The teacher can resolve problems, normal and available explain lesson material.Great number of scientists and programmers consider that equipment - our everything. Our future. But not to the same degree to replace teachers of a zheleznymikorobkama with motherboards! It won't lead to a good outcome.Someone dislikes computers, and too it is necessary to agree with them. This equipment damages our eyesight, kills cells of a brain, doesn't force us to think, think. It completely controls us.I consider that the identity of the teacher, real-life communication, verbal exchange of information - all this is an important component of training. True skill of the teacher, in my opinion, consists in combining traditional and innovative methods and technologies of training. After all both those, and others have one task - to teach the child.
We live in the 21st century. Our life is full IT technologies, after all it is convenient and interesting. But to reach dismissal of teachers - mad idea!In Russia education in comparison with Europe leaves much to be desired. And for anybody it not a secret. Our government spends a fantastic sum financing a set of new projects: new computer classes, the best books, apparatuses and halls. But all this doesn't affect children. Why? Good question.The youth has no desire to study, learn the world. After school children run home to play on the computer or watch TV. This lack of interests in other aspects of world around afflicts.Therefore pupils need attention to their person, to their actions. The teacher can resolve problems, normal and available explain lesson material.Great number of scientists and programmers consider that equipment - our everything. Our future. But not to the same degree to replace teachers of a zheleznymikorobkama with motherboards! It won't lead to a good outcome.Someone dislikes computers, and too it is necessary to agree with them. This equipment damages our eyesight, kills cells of a brain, doesn't force us to think, think. It completely controls us.I consider that the identity of the teacher, real-life communication, verbal exchange of information - all this is an important component of training. True skill of the teacher, in my opinion, consists in combining traditional and innovative methods and technologies of training. After all both those, and others have one task - to teach the child.
is, is, is, works, likes, plays, go, puts, walk, ride, knits, reads, ski, skate, is