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Danila Kozlovsky - Russian film and theater actor, star of films "We Are from the Future", "Duhless", "Legend №17" and many others. The young actor Danila Kozlovsky - a real find for any director. Danila Kozlovsky was born on May 3, 1985 in Moscow, I grew up and was raised in a single-parent family. His father, Professor Valery Kozlovsky, soon left the family, so that all the worries associated with the education of the future actor and his two brothers - Yegor senior and junior Ivan - lay on the shoulders of the mother (the actress Hope Zvenigorod) and stepfather Sergei military. "Without my mother would not have been," - spoke afterwards about the merits of her that actor. Since childhood, Daniel was a very naughty child, and therefore has consistently had problems with school authorities that he changed one after the other. Back in 1991 my mother insisted that first-grader Daniel went to school with intensive study of Spanish, but because of the inappropriate behavior, he was soon expelled. While studying at the school Daniel attended piano lessons, karate and football. A short period of his life was associated with ballet face, from which he was expelled with a diagnosis of "hopeless." Some time later, he enrolled in drama school, where, finally found his calling and in 1999 played a small role of a boy Denis Seliverstov in the TV series "Simple Truth". Due to permanent behavioral problems, which differ not only Daniel, but his two brothers in 1996, my mother and my stepfather decided to send sons to the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. Ivan and Egor were dismissed six months later, but Daniel was able to pass this way to the end. Six years in the Cadet Corps, he did not feel lost. Thanks to them, he learned well the word "necessary", learned to perfectly fill the bed and make sure that shoes always gleamed. "I realized that this work, which is the will, the energy and excitement," - said Daniel, in which the military felt bone: bearing cornet, tearing into his first fig
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1) did they see your brother? they didn't see your brother
2) Pete went to the cinema. Pete didn't go to the cinema
3) did we understand the lesson? we understood the lesson
4) does the cat go up the tree? the cat doesn't go up the tree
5) Hob drinks tea for breakfast. Hob doesn't drink tea for breakfast
6) could they understand any thing? They couldn't understand any thing
7) the waiters can drink or smoke. can the waiters drink or smoke?
8) the cat could cause the wedding. the cat couldn't cause the wedding
9) the cows ate all the cabbages. did the cows eat all the cabbages?
10) are they brothers? отрицание уже есть, мб утверждение надо? they are brothers
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One of my favorite painters is Leonardo da Vinci. Everyone agrees this painter was one of the most brilliant painters. Apparently, his picture “The Last Supper” is the most known painting in the world.

In addition, he was a great inventor. Leonardo invented the military tank, the wheelbarrow, and roller bearings. Plans for dozens of machines and weapons were made by him.

He also experimented with submarine and airplane models. Besides, Leonardo was great as an engineer and scientist. He was also a musician, a poet, and a sculptor. Undoubtedly, Leonardo da Vinci can justly be called a genius.

The artist was born in Vinci, the village in Italy. Being a child, he lived with the father’s parents. When his father understood that Leonardo was keen in painting, he decided to send the boy to an excellent teacher and painter. One day Leonardo painted a wonderful angel in his teacher’s picture. “You are greater than me”, noticed the teacher.

When Leonardo was 25 years old, he started to paint independently, first in Florence, Milan and Venice, and then – in France.

His famous picture “The Last Supper” is situated on the wall of the chapel in Milan. One of the famous Leonardo’s paintings is “Mona Liza”. This picture represents a woman with an intriguing smile. Now it represents one of the most wonderful treasures in the Louvre.

Leonardo’s pictures are so beautiful that they are like a beautiful music, hard to describe. The faces of the people on his pictures are full of expression. Leonardo used effects on light and shade in the new way, making people look very lifelike. 

Один из моих любимых художников – Леонардо да Винчи. Никто не поспорит с тем, что он является одним из самых блестящих художников. Вероятно, его картина «Тайная вечеря» является самой известной в мире.

Кроме этого, он был великим изобретателем. Он изобрел военный танк, ручную тележку и роликовые подшипники. Многие виды оружия и механизмов были спроектированы им.

Он проводил эксперименты над моделями подводных лодок и аэропланов. А также Леонардо был великим конструктором и ученым. Он был музыкантом, поэтом и скульптором. Несомненно, Леонардо да Винчи можно назвать гением.

Родился Леонардо в селе Винчи в Италии. Будучи ребенком, он жил с родителями отца. Когда его отец понял, что Леонардо интересуется рисованием, он решил отправить мальчика к замечательному учителю и художнику. Однажды Леонардо нарисовал на картине своего учителя прекрасного ангела. «Ты более великий, чем я» – сказал учитель.

Когда Леонардо было 25, он стал рисовать самостоятельно, сначала во Флоренции, в Милане и Венеции, затем – во Франции.

Его знаменитая картина «Тайная вечеря» находится на стене часовни в г.Милан. Одно из известных полотен Леонардо – «Мона Лиза». Эта картина изображает портрет женщины с необычной улыбкой на лице. Теперь эта картина является одним из самых великолепных сокровищ Лувра.

Картины Леонардо настолько красивы, что они так же, как и любая прекрасная музыка, трудно поддаются описанию. Лица людей на картинах выглядят очень выразительно. Леонардо по-новому использовал эффекты света и тени, сделав своих персонажей более естественными.

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