1. Fresh water weighs about one kilogram per litre.
2. Alcohol boils at 78° С.
3. Copper freezes at 1083° С.
4. Oxygen liquefies at -183° С.
5. Wine contains 10 per cent alcohol.
6. A yard equals – 0.9104 meters
7. Sound travels at 760 mph at sea level.
8. Men lives for an average of 70 years.
9. Mercury melts at - 39° С.
10. A carbon dioxide molecule consists of 2 oxygen atoms and 1 carbon atom.
В 8-м непонятно, ведь men - множественное число, значит по идее глагол будет без окончания -s, то есть “men live”
Если же слово «lives» используют как существительное, тогда отсутствует глагол, что тоже неправильно.
Возможно, вместо “mEn” должно быть “mAn”(?)
С предлогом тоже вопрос, поскольку с «an average» обычно используют “on”, а его вообще нет среди предложенных:(
1. I am just passing through Chicago... and I thought you _might_ tell me a little about the city from an investment point of view. (may) (Dreiser) 2. He said he might be obliged to run on to Pittsburg for thirty six hours but he would be back on the third day. (may, to be) (Dreiser) 3. It had not yet occurred to her that she _might_ get money for the locket and ear-rings which she _ carried_ with her. (may, to carry) (Eliot) 4. I thought you _had_ better sense, (to have) (Dreiser) 5. Sir Wilfrid knew, from the frequency with which she used her handkerchief, that the tears _were running_ down her cheeks, (to run) (Marryat) 6. She [Dinah] hesitated no longer, but opening her own door gently, went out and tapped at Hetty's. "I knew you _were_ not in bed, my dear," she said, (to be) (Eliot) 7. We came to this part of the country in the hope that the bracing air... _would have_ a good effect upon him. (to have) (Conan Doyle) 8. The door opened suddenly, and a young fellow came in, with the air of one who _was_ the master (to be) (Conan Doyle) 9. She clung to the belief that he _was_ so fond of her that he _would_ never _be_ happy without her; and she still hugged her secret that a great gentleman _loved_ her. (to be, to be, to love) (Eliot)
I am going to the concert.I am so tired.You are definitely wrong.I am furious.We are preparing for your biology test.You are completely wrong.He is one of my classmates, whom I hate the most.I hate you not telling the truth!