My favourite domestic animal is a little kitten. Its name is Chips. My kitten is very fat and kind. Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small with big clutches. Its eyes are green and clever. Its ears are small. My kitten likes milk and cream. Most of all Chips likes to sleep and to play. It's very funny and playfull. We play together every evening. I like my kitten very much. I think cats are very careful and clever.
Мое любимое домашнее животное – маленький котенок. Его зовут Чипс. Мой котенок очень толстый и добрый. У него небольшая голова. Его шея короткая. Его лапы маленькие с большими когтями. Его глаза зеленые и умные. Его ушки маленькие. Мой котенок любит молоко и сметану. Больше всего Чипс любит спать и играть. Он очень смешной и игривый. Мы вместе играем каждый вечер. Я очень люблю моего котенка. Я думаю, коты очень аккуратные и умные.
Hi dear(name)!I want to invite you to my night-party.I promise It will be cool.We will have some fun.I hope that you will come.I'm waiting for you.Don't forget to take some sweets.Because you know that we like it.I think we will watch a horror film.Do you like it?Maybe you want to tell me an intresting story.I like to talk with you.We can watch funny videos about animals and laught.My mum is going to buy pizza.I like it so much.I know you like it too.See you soon. With love