He was in the city department store. He was standing in the heart of the city. There they traveled from all regions to buy different things. There was a big parking lot for him. But on the weekend it still did not have enough. The floors in it were 5. And they were all completely filled with divisions. He worked without days off. there were always a lot of people in it. They loved this department store.
1) I am interested in politics (я интересуюсь политикой) I am not interested in politics (я не интересуюсь политикой) выбири правильное для себя из этих двух 2) Paris is the capital of France (Париж - столица Франции) 3) Diamonds are not cheap (Бриллианты не дешевые) 4) I am interested in football (я интересуюсь футболом) I am not interested in football (я не интересуюсь футболом), также выбери подходящее для себя 5) Rome is not in Spain (Рим не в Испании) 6) My hands are cold (мои руки холодные) My hands are not cold (мои руки не холодные), также выбери для себя одно из двух 7) I am afraid of dogs (я боюсь собак) I am not afraid of dogs (я не боюсь собак), опять выбирай сам
Loch Ness MonsterЛохнесское чудовищеIt seemed we already know everything about the world we live in but still there are some mysteries that we want to reveal. Loch Ness is the home of probably the world’s most famous monster. People say that from time to time you can see a big monster who they call “Nessie” in this lake. There are some reports about seeing great black humps on the surface of the lake and then their disappearing. The main question is – is it a fact or fiction? Experts have been discussing that question for years, but in recent times more and more people believe that a whole colony of giant creatures may live in the lake. In 1962 a group of people formed an organization called the Bureau for the Investigation of the Loch Ness Phenomena. Each summer they invite volunteers who watch the lake. And in 1966, they installed cameras on the banks to prove 'Nessie's' existence. Other people made some photographs on the lake’s surface, but the pictures weren’t good enough to convince anyone, although a film made in 1961 convinced a lot of people that something exists in this lake. The film showed an object twenty-eight metres long, travelling at sixteen kilometers per hour. People who claim they saw a monster describe it in a very similar way: it has four fins, a tail and it has a length of around eighteen meters. Some years ago an 18-year old girl from England had a thirty-seven kilometers journey across Loch Ness. It took her thirty hours, some of which she was swimming in the darkness and everyone applauded her for her strength and bravery.