Сязыком. who wants to go to the blackboard? a) l, b) me. 2) i see a) him, b) his. 3) he sees a) they, b) them. 4) this is a) him, b) his book. 5) we help a) her, b) him, c) his.
1Михаил родился в Киеве в семье профессора-богослова Афанасия Ивановича и его супруги Варвары Михайловны-Michael was born in Kiev in the family of a Professor-theologian Athanasius Ivanovich and his wife Varvara Mikhailovna.2Первой опубликованной книгой Михаила Булгакова была повесть «Похождения Чичикова», написанная в сатирической манере-First published as a book by Mikhail Bulgakov was the novel "the adventures of Chichikov", written in a satirical manner.3Мастер и Маргарита-The master and Margarita «Белая гвардия-The white guard. Дьяволиада-Diaboliad
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