Natural disasters in Ukraine "Local road was washed away and damaged. The highway of national route 'Kyiv-Chop' was blockedbecause of mud sliding in the Skole district in the Lviv region. Railroad Lviv-Uzhhorod was blockedbecause of fall of the tree." "A private dwelling house was destroyed because of sliding in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The master ofthe house, born in 1965, died. 963 houses were underflooded by flood water." "On July, 24 in the evening 27-year-old resident of the Vyzhnytsya district died in the basement that wasflooded as a result of bad weather in Bukovyna." These lines are from Ukrayinski Novyny report about the natural Disaster that occurred in WesternUkraine in July 2008. As a result of heavy showers the level of water had been raised in the rivers, anddwelling houses, farmlands and agricultural holdings were underflooded. Some crops were destroyed. Natural disasters have begun to occur in Ukraine with increasing frequency. After dangerous floods inZakarpatya storms and tornados have also come their way. Information about the number of peoplekilled by lightning is more frequent in different parts of Ukraine. Until recently, we only heard of suchdisasters occurring on the other side of the Atlantic. And what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in our county? Notwaiting for the scientists' explanations, people say this is our fault. During the last 50 years a great dealof forests in the Carpathians have been cut down. Deforestation has led to changes in local climate.That's why we have so much trouble with floods in this region. The scientists remind us that allelements and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible attitude to it might lead to terribleresults. The conducted research work has confirmed the idea about not only natural but man-made causes ofthese floods. What is natural disaster? The definition is: it is the effect of a natural hazard that affects theenvironment and leads to financial, environmental and human losses. A natural hazard is a threat of anatural occurring event that will have a negative effect on people or the environment. Many naturalhazards are interrelated. For example, earthquake can cause tsunami and drought that can leaddirectly to famine. The costs of natural disasters - lives lost, homes destroyed, economies disrupted ... But there is reasonfor hope. By understanding how and where these natural events occur, we can build and live safely onthe Earn, and by providing real-time information about foods, earthquakes, and other hazards, we canrespond effectively when disaster strikes. We should build stronger, safer communities that areresistant to natural disasters.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин родился в Москве 6 июня 1799 года. В детстве няня читала ему сказки и рассказывала о русских традициях. Александр не был отличником в учебе, однако он очень любил читать и много времени проводил в отцовской библиотеке. Свое первое стихотворение он написал в 15 лет. Его работы очень отличались от работ других писателей того времени и это часто (пропущена часть текста!) Например, одна из его наиболее известных пьес, Борис Годунов, была опубликована лишь через несколько лет после того, как была написана, по политическим причинам. После женитьбы на прекрасной молодой девушке Наталье Гончарове в 1831 году он продолжил писать. Миллионы людей по всему миру признали его роман в стихах "Евгений Онегин", его поэму "Медный всадник" и пьесу "Каменный гость" шедеврами. Александру Пушкину было всего 37 лет, когда он погиб. Он оказал большое влияние на Золотой век русской литературы. Он величайший русский поэт и является гордостью России.
Это маленькая обезьянка.она из африки.она коричневая.чита веселая.она любит прыгать,бегать,и играть очень очень много.она умеет петь и танцевать,тоже.у нее нет друзей,что бы играться.и чита хочет иметь много друзей.так она ходит и ходит и ходит. Чита увидела дельфина,большого серого дельфина.дельфин умеет прыгать и играть.но она не умеет бегать или прыгать.,,я не хочу иметь такого друга",сказала обезьяна.так она хадила и ходила и ходила. Потом чита увидела маленького черно-белого котенка.котенок смешной.он умеет бегать,прыгать и танцевать.у котенка был мячики он любил с ним играться. Так обезьянке нравился котенок.она хочет что бы котенок был ее другом.,,ты хочешь быть мои другом?Давай играть"сказала обезьянка. Теперь у обезьянки есть друг что бы играться с ним.она любит котенка очень очень.
"A private dwelling house was destroyed because of sliding in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The master ofthe house, born in 1965, died. 963 houses were underflooded by flood water."
"On July, 24 in the evening 27-year-old resident of the Vyzhnytsya district died in the basement that wasflooded as a result of bad weather in Bukovyna."
These lines are from Ukrayinski Novyny report about the natural Disaster that occurred in WesternUkraine in July 2008. As a result of heavy showers the level of water had been raised in the rivers, anddwelling houses, farmlands and agricultural holdings were underflooded. Some crops were destroyed.
Natural disasters have begun to occur in Ukraine with increasing frequency. After dangerous floods inZakarpatya storms and tornados have also come their way. Information about the number of peoplekilled by lightning is more frequent in different parts of Ukraine. Until recently, we only heard of suchdisasters occurring on the other side of the Atlantic.
And what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in our county? Notwaiting for the scientists' explanations, people say this is our fault. During the last 50 years a great dealof forests in the Carpathians have been cut down. Deforestation has led to changes in local climate.That's why we have so much trouble with floods in this region. The scientists remind us that allelements and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible attitude to it might lead to terribleresults.
The conducted research work has confirmed the idea about not only natural but man-made causes ofthese floods.
What is natural disaster? The definition is: it is the effect of a natural hazard that affects theenvironment and leads to financial, environmental and human losses. A natural hazard is a threat of anatural occurring event that will have a negative effect on people or the environment. Many naturalhazards are interrelated. For example, earthquake can cause tsunami and drought that can leaddirectly to famine.
The costs of natural disasters - lives lost, homes destroyed, economies disrupted ... But there is reasonfor hope. By understanding how and where these natural events occur, we can build and live safely onthe Earn, and by providing real-time information about foods, earthquakes, and other hazards, we canrespond effectively when disaster strikes. We should build stronger, safer communities that areresistant to natural disasters.