If I had my own TV channel, it would be devoted to sport. I love sports very much and can watch it all day. Most of the airtime would be devoted to football - the favorite game of millions of fans. During the tennis tournaments, they would necessarily be shown in full. I would not just be the owner of the TV channel, but I would work as a reporter and commentator. An important heading would also be sports news. An obligatory element would be an invitation to the stars of various sports. My channel - I am sure - would have a great success among sports fans.
Если бы у меня был свой телеканал, он был бы посвящен спорту. Я очень люблю спорт и могу смотреть его весь день. Большая часть эфирного времени будет посвящена футболу - любимой игре миллионов болельщиков. Во время теннисных турниров они обязательно показывались полностью. Я бы не просто был владельцем телеканала, а работал бы репортером и комментатором. Важным заголовком будут также новости спорта. Обязательным элементом станет приглашение звезд различных видов спорта. Мой канал, я уверен, имел бы большой успех у любителей спорта.
1) a capacitor is needed to store electricity;
2) the capacitor stores electricity, provided that a voltage source is connected to it;
3) The main parts of the capacitor are plates and insulators;
4) Insulators are designed to insulate metal plates and thus prevent short circuits.
5) measured in pendants;
6) Capacitance depends primarily on three things: the higher the voltage used to charge the capacitor, the more capacitor energy is measured in the advertisement. The capacitor has a reserve of energy: secondly, the larger the size of the plates and the larger their number, the more energy will be stored: thirdly, the closer the positive and negative plates, the greater the charge.