Конституция, представлять, подчиняться, мудрость, уважение, мера, частный, судья, гражданин, поддержка, представитель, стрелять, застенчивый, срок, заявить, решение, подтолкнуть, доверить, решить, суд, событие, одолжить, поощрить, бедность, шанс.
Constitution, represent, obey, wisdom, respect, measure, private, judge, citizen, support, representative, shoot, shy, term, declare, decision, push, trust, decide, court, event, borrow, encourage, poverty, chance.
прости на таблицу времени нет
1)Mixed schools
2)I think that 16. Since basically everyone goes to the first grade at 7, and the ninth finish at 16. Or if the eleventh grade, then at 18.
3)School rules are a good idea because people will be disciplined, and the school uniform is not very, because it is not comfortable and fetters action.
4)Too short
5) Most likely languages.
6) I think not.
7) Created in order to educate children, the formation of their independent living skills and the full disclosure of creative abilities.
8) 16-18. I don’t know about exams.