1.1 false
1.2 true
1.3 true
1.4 false
1.5 true
1.6 true
I know many sports, because I tryed a lot of them. I know basketball, volleyball, tenis, swimming, rope skipping, (не пиши эти скобки, но rope skipping признали видом спорта и я даже участвовала в 4 чемпионатах) basball, kickball, table tennis, football, socer. I can talk about sports forever. I know a little Russian traditional games too. I know "ручеек" a creek, "кошки-мышки" cats-mice, "колечко" the ring, "светофор" traffic light. My favourite kind of sport is boxing. Already at age 12 I'm almost the strongest in my class. I hate basketball, because the only time when I played I failed my team, everyone was angry and now I don't like playing it. It happened because nobocy explained me the rules. I start doing sports in kindergarden somewhere at age 5. I like doing my favourite sport boxing. even though I'm a self-taught I still like to fight against air balloons.
я учусь в американской школе в 6 классе
2. Fill in the right adverb.
a. They talked very __fastly___.We could hear every word.
b. I normally start work at 7.00, but it was already 6.45. I knew I was __late___so I started driving very___fast__
с. She danced __wellso she had to win the contest.
3.Fill in with make, let, be allowed to in the right form.
a. My teаchers always __makes___me do my homework.
b. __Arewe _allowedto park here?
c. She will never __letyou go.She loves you.
d. She __makestea for breakfast every morning.
e. I__am allowedto play football.
4.Fill in with say, tell, talk, speak in the right form.
a. I've never __talked___to him personally. I always send him e-mails.
b. She __said'I don't care'.
c. She ___speaksEnglish and German.
d. Can I ___speakto George, please?
(В данном упражнении,что очень странно,не употребляется tell. По идее тут четыре слова и 4 пропуска,но тем не менее я на 200% знаю,что tell никуда не подходит,тогда как speak в подобных выражениях употребляется ВСЕГДА)
5.Fill in the dialogue:
A. May/Can _I speak toMr. Jones? He's our collegue from the French branch.
B. Nice to meet you, Mr. Jones. I believe that we have met somewhere before.
C. Nice to meet you. I'm sure we have. Were you at the conference in
6.Fill in:
Howdoes he look like? He's tall and slim with dark hair and blue eyes.