Там должны быть картинки,если сфотаешь то я сделаю с переводом если надо
2.What is the man doing?
He eating his lunch
(Что делал мужчина?
-Он кушал свой обед)
3.What does the tiger want?
-Tiger wants a man to share food with him
(Что хотел тигр
-Тигр хочет что бы мужчина поделился с ним едой)
4.How is the man feeling?
-He don't want to dhare with him
(Какова была реакция тигра?
-Он не захотел поделится с тигром)
5.Where does the man tie the tiger?
-He tied him to a branch
(Куда мужчина привязал тигра?
-Он привязал его на ветку)
6.What does the man and his son bring?
-He brought lots of dry straw
(Что принёс мужчина и его сын
-Он принёс много сухой соломы)
7.Who sets the straw on fire?
-Man and his son
(Кто поджег солому?
Мужчина и его сын)
8.What's colour are the tiger's stripes?
-Tiger's strepes are black.
(Какого цвета полосы у тигра?
Полоски тигра чёрные)
9.Do tigers trust people?
(Доверяют ли тигры людям?
Извини что поздно
The most popular attraction in London is Big Ben, but in fact the official name of this clock is Elizabeth Tower. The name Big Ben came from the largest bell in this clock. In general, there are many places in Britain that you can visit besides Big Ben. For example, the ancient Celtic building Stonehenge, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Also, every tourist should visit Snowdonia, a park in north Wales, which is one of the three largest parks in Britain. If you do not like to spend time in nature, then you will definitely like Trafalgar Square, it is located in the heart of London. Every Briton knows that this is the name the square received after the Battle of Trafalgar, this is a great place for those who love history. Also, every tourist should visit the Cotswolds. This is an area in England that is officially recognized as an "area of outstanding natural beauty", because there are old houses and churches here, every lover of villages and silence will love this place. But this is only a small part of what you can see in a beautiful corner of our planet called Britain.