Dear Claire, Your last letter was a real surprise for me. Sorry, I haven't written for so long because I was very busy at school. Great news about your party! Well, let me answer your questions. I'm going to visit my friend in New York. I want to stay there for one or two months. I'm going to live in my friend's house all time but if something goes wrong, I will get a room in a hotel. So, what plans on holiday do you have? Are you going to another country or stay at home? What about going to the thearte or circus? I have to go now because my mum asked me to help her with the washing up. Drop me a letter when you can. Lots of love, Ann.
Here’s a short letter to say thank you for remembering my birthday. It means so much that you still think of me on your vacations. Also thank you for the lovely birthday wishes and presents, they made me really happy. Anyway, how is your trip going so far? I hope you are enjoying your vacations. When are you go to come back? What plans do you have for the rest of the vacations? Would you like to come to my place when you are back in city? You could tell us all about your trip and share some photos and your experience with us. That would be great. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye
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