Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous painter. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor,ceramist, etc.
C. S. Lewis was a British Skilful writer. He has great imagination. Each Eager reader with interest read new children's books about science fiction, among them the most famous are :The Chronicles of Narnia, The Space Trilogy.
Пабло Пикассо был одним из самых известных художников. Пикассо много работал как график, скульптор, керамист и др.
К. С. Льюис был британским искусным писателем. У него отличное воображение. Каждый нетерпеливый читатель с интересом читал новые детские книги о научной фантастике, среди которых самые известные: Хроники Нарнии, Космическая трилогия.
Правильные глаголы (глаголы, формы которых (past tense и past participle) образуются с окончания -ed):
1) watch - watched - watched
2) live - lived - lived
3) want - wanted - wanted
4) smile - smiled - smiled
5) cry - cried - cried
6) play - played - played
7) repeat - repeated - repeated
8) skate - skated - skated
9) like - liked - liked
10) cook - cooked - cooked
Неправильные глаголы (глаголы, являющиеся исключениями):
1) take - took - taken
2) go - went - gone
3) be - was/were - been
4) sit - sat - sat
5) come - came - come
6) hear - heard - heard
7) swim - swam - swum
8) fall - fell - fallen
9) do - did - done
10) drink - drank - drunk
2. I wondered if Sam had ever been to China.
3. I asked when the next train would arrive.
4. I asked Mr . Smith if he grew flowers in his garden.