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1. allocation 2. economics 3. economy 4. efficiency 5. macroeconomics 6. microeconomics 7. normative economics 8. positive 9.resources 10. scarcity a. social science that studies the allocation of resour- ces to the production of goods and services used to satisfy consumer's unlimited wants and needs.as a social science economics studies the social relation- ship of individuals.but unlike other social sciences, economics concentrates its study on the economy. b. the process of distributing resources for the pro- duction of goods and services, and for distributing goods and services for consumer goods. c. the process of distributing resources for the production of goods and services, and for dis tributing goods and services for consumer goods. d. a system of production distribution and consumption of goods and services. e. the branch of economics that studies the entire economy. macroeconomics examines such topics as the total amount of output in economy, the rate of inflation and the number of unemployed workers. roeconomics f. a branch of economics that states the way the economy should operate. a normative statement is based on values and cannot be proved right or wrong g. the branch of economics that studies parts of the economy. microeconomics examines the individual consumers, business, and industries that make up the economy h. a branch of economics that tries to explain the way the economy actuaily operates. positive economics is coacerned with the process of testing hypotheses. a positive statement can be refuted by looking at the real world the condition that exist when there is an insu fficient quantity of resources to produce ai! of the goods and services desired by people j. the materials available to an economy for the production of goods and services

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1. There are three rooms and Akitchen in our new flat. 2. My new dress is made of NO ARTICLE silk. 3. If you want to
write something on THE blackboard, you must have A piece of NO ARTICLE chalk. 4. Are
there any pupils in THE classroom? 3. I have A new English book. THE book is
very interesting. 6. There is A garden in NO ARTICLE front of our school. THE garden
is not large, but it is very nice. 7. NO ARTICLE... May is THE fifth month of the year.
8. ..NO ARTICLE. Saturday is THE ... sixth day of the week. 9. .NO ARTICLE.. Sunday is A day of

3 Сомневаюсь на счет 3 blackboad, если на любой доске, тогда будет A BLACKBOARD, если на той, что в вашем классе (конкретной), тогда THE BLACKBOARD - В предложении не ясно о какой именно доске идет речь
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1)1. This is an action that improves something.
2. A set of actions performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
3. A data processing system is a combination of machines, people, and processes that for a set of inputs produces a defined set of outputs.
4. In the structure of possible operations with data, the following operations can be distinguished: data collection - accumulation of information in order to ensure sufficient completeness for making a decision; data formatting.
5. Input is the signal or data received by the system, and output is the signal or data sent by (or from) it.
6. Resources are the substances which are natural like coal, petroleum, diesel etc.
7. The ancient Egyptians recorded the ebb and flow of the Nile and used this information to predict annual harvests.
8. In 1642.
9. The concept of building the relationship of classes of different levels of computer memory based on a hierarchical structure.
10. 1) Signs, which are all symbols of the written language: letters, numbers and special characters. 2) data items, which are meaningful collections of related symbols. Data items are also called data items or fields. 3) Reports, which are collections of related data items. 4) Files, which are collections of related reports. A set of related files is called a database or databank.

2) Information processing systems; definition (term) of data processing; the totality of the facts; sequence of actions; convert input data into useful information; include resources; complete data processing; provide input into the computer; printer ribbons; consume in large quantities; post computer equipment; need (demand) in the devices; the phenomenon of contemporary life; during the prehistoric period; convert information in expression; Register ebb and flow; predict crops; mechanical computation; data entry; data storage; initial data processing; additional treatment; issuance of useful information; the printed message; Visual display; sequence memorising information; written language symbols; elements of information; database; a set of related files.

3) Данные ресурсов; ресурсов хранения; сетевой ресурс; безопасность ресурса; системный ресурс. Средства связи; средства базы данных; средства отображения; средства управления. Дистанционное управление; устройство управления; Управление с клавиатуры; позиция управления; программы управления. Компьютер для хранения; Лазерная хранения; хранения файлов; дискового пространства; иерархия для хранения данных. Последовательность символов; последовательности инструкций; сообщение порядку; последовательность импульсов. Пакетный файл; файл каталога; файл данных; файл справки; входной файл; выходной файл; файл меню; файл пользователя. Команды ввода; данные ввода; диска ввода; файл ввода; клавиатура ввода; программа ввода.

4) 1. Данные обрабатываются, чтобы стать полезной информацией.
2. Мы используем термин "обработка данных", чтобы охватить название ресурсов, применяемых для обработки информации.
3. Ресурсы, необходимые для реализации процесса обработки данных называются системой обработки данных.
4. Обработка представляет собой серию операций, преобразующих входные данные в выходные.
5. Для размещения компьютерного оборудования требуются помещения.
6. Египтяне использовали информацию, чтобы предсказать урожай.
7. Информация, вводимая в компьютер для обработки, должна быть закодирована в нули и единицы.
8. Обработка - это операции над данными для преобразования их в полезную информацию.
9. Первые машины, предназначенные для обработки данных на перфокартах, широко использовались для обработки бизнес-данных.
10. Холлерит сделал одну машину для пробивания отверстий, а другую для табулирование собранных данных.
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