1.write the name, actors, genre 2.write about acting, music, colour/animation, special effects 3.write why you like this film or do not like 4.write the reason why you recommend the film or not the avengers the lion king ice age the hanger games
1)the hunger games jennifer lawrence, josh hutcherson adventure action drama 3) there are two line of story: surviving and love. bacause of this i adore this film 4)if you like adventure, this film is for you. it is about a very brave girl, who survived with help of a boy.
We will have to see it I will go to the cinema tomorrow I will sing a song on Friday I will write an essay. I will tell you later they will call you back in a minute she will pay for your breakfast he will take care of your brother they will watch a tv show she will buy a new dress we won't have to see it they won't call you back in a minute she won't buy a new dress they won't watch a tv show he won't take care of your brother she won't pay for your breakfast I won't tell you later I won't write an essey I won't sing a song on Friday I won't go to the cinema tomorrow will they call you back in a minute? will she pay for your breakfast? will we have to see it? will they watch a tv show? will he take care of your brother? will she buy a new dress? will i wrote an essey? will i sing a song on Friday? will I tell you later? will I go to the cinema tomorrow?